The beautiful colors of nature peek forth from the heights of the sky and the ground beneath our feet as spring begins, flowers bloom and the sun begins to shine. Along with the colors of the season, many festivities are creating an exuberant atmosphere at this time of year. Lucky for us, it’s that time of year when we are given an entire day dedicated to the celebration of color, Holi. Holi is the festival of color and is widely celebrated across the world. It's become one of India's defining cultural festivals. Every year many gather in one area, powder and water guns in hand, ready to spread the joy to everyone around us. As fun and joyous as this festivity is, it can also be a bit messy. From all the Holi celebrations I’ve been to, I’ve been able to realize that despite how hard you try every year there are some things that never change with Holi. Here are 11 things you learn will never change about Holi.
1. Contemplating which Holi to go to
If you live in an area where there is a large concentration of Indians, this is likely an issue for you. For example, in the Forsyth County area there are many organizations like SEWA, CRY and temples who hold their own Holi celebrations. After that, you and your friends begin weighing out the options of tickets, snacks, DJs, people and location. After narrowing down your options for days, you and your friends finally find the Holi celebration which is "just right."
2. Prediction of rain
No matter how much you hope and pray, it looks like this happens every year. You look at the weather for this week and notice there is a 90 percent chance of rain on Saturday (Holi). But on the day of Holi, your prayers are answered as the sun hasn't shined brighter and the presence of rain is nowhere to be found.
3.The struggle to find a shirt you don’t want
It seems like every day before I go to school, I have all these t-shirts I won't wear. But of course the day of Holi, when I need a t-shirt I don't want, these t-shirts have mysteriously disappeared. Now you may be thinking, "Why doesn't she just wash the shirt after she comes back". No, it doesn't work like that. For example, the shirt I wore last year to Holi? It's purple now.
4. It's a war zone
You have just arrived at the site. Lucky for you, your friends have already made a plan and strategy to attack you. And before you know it, there's a sea of color, water, balloons, food, and miscellaneous things coming at you. But you wouldn't have it any other way!
5. It burns
There's always those overexcited kids or that generous friend who dumps her color on your face. These individuals are usually the ones who get color in your eyes, and, to say the least, it hurts! Yes, I've seen someone with a literal pink eye. Yes, I've coughed up blue powder. And yes, at Holi, the chances are high that something like this will happen to you too.
6. The smell
The food is great, but that's really not the smell I'm talking about; It's the smell that comes from hundreds of dancing, sweating and people drenched in powder and water. It's nasty. But when you realize that you're a part of it, it becomes a little more tolerable.
7. No one cares how you look
8. Everyone is your friend
One of the great things about holidays like Holi is that it has the ability to bring so many people together; Every year Holi does exactly that. The holiday is always fun when you have a lot of friends there with you. Especially, if you're throwing color and dancing to music, you'll absolutely want to do that with your friends.
9. The struggle to preserve your phone
This is the hardest for some. Picture it: color is flying, water guns are out, and the music is blasting! Of course, you'd want to pull out your phone to take a picture or put it on your story. But as much as you want to Snapchat every second of the greatness that is Holi, if you take out your phone for even a second, you're in trouble. Pro tip: Put your phone in a plastic bag if you really need to bring it with you. Make sure it's tightly sealed.
10. Regret it immediately
Now your home, you realize that your scalp is completely red! And you begin to wonder, "why did I do this to myself?". After taking a shower, you notice your hands are stained with red and this color is not coming out until another month.
11. Will you go back again next year?
But overall, you don't care, and you're definitely going back next year.
There are not a lot of things in our world that can compare to this age-old tradition of taking out your anger and love at the same time in the most beautiful way. So I encourage you to experience it and enjoy the wonderful experiences that come along with it.
Happy Holi!