12 things of a Moving College Student Understands
Every moving college student that leaves home faces similar perks and struggles. Whether moving one hour or six makes no difference, we all have to pack, move, organize and start the college process. We makes lists of a million things we most likely don't need, pack it all up and throw it on the floor of our dirty dorms. It costs us some major blood sweat and tears but my gosh is it totally worth it!
1. The List
We try to keep it short and precise. We need clothes, books, shampoo and perhaps one more thing...
2. Shopping
The mission of a lifetime! The cheapest items count and the more friends you bring the better. Although, try not to crash.
3. Organizing
Once everything is in boxes, you literally have no idea what you have packed. Since your room is empty you assume it's all in a box but where is the all time mystery.
4. Packing
Without a wand, the struggle is real. Packing is the most essential task of moving but also the omst annoying. You have to make everything fit into somthing and hope nothnig leaks.
5. Saying goodbye
SO LONG! to my friends and family and of course to the dog. I will see you all soon but now I am far enough away for you to not annoy the hell out of me, but cellphones keep us in touch. To the dog, who does not have a phone, I will miss you.
6. Loading the Car![]()
What is the best strategy? What should go in the trunk and what should go in the car? Is there enough room? Can I see out the back? Is this illegal? Where should my laptop go? Does it need a seatbelt? How many cars do I actually need?
7. The Trip
Sudden fluctuation of excitement and terror makes the trip interesting but perhaps dangerous, It's always best to have a driver for your first year. By year two, you have already tasted and freesom and then lost it, so All you feel is excitement.
8. Paranoia
Remembering a million things that you may or may not have packed or that may or may not need. For instance, a zombie apocalypse surivval kit. That is unlikely.
9. Unpacking
No rhyme or reason here, just get it all out and go form there. I suggest you dump it all in one spot and go item by item.
10. Roommate
Most likely will be, but hey...there are always single rooms!
11. Saying goodbye Again
The big goodbye to the parents before the leave, BYE GUYS!
12. Finishing Touches
The best part, finishing paperwork and questioners, getting your meal card and registering everything that ever needed to be registered in the history of registrations.
But like I said, totally worth it.