Well, you’re finally home. You can sleep in, not do homework, not shower with flip-flops on, and spend time with your family and friends from high school for the next three months. And yeah, you may not miss college for the first week or two or even month of break, but eventually you get that nagging itch of wanting to go back to college. You miss it there. Despite all the work you’ll have to do when you return for the fall, you still want to go back.
1. Your college best friends
The people that you spent pizza nights and lunch dates with. The ones that took care of you when you were sick. The amazing people that helped you survive finals week.
2. Friday and Saturday night outings with your college bffs
At this point they’ve seen you at your worst and at your best.
3. Not being able to use your declining or dining dollars for food
I refuse to buy Starbucks knowing I can get it every day using my declining dollars in the fall without using my actual money.
4. And those Saturday and Sunday brunch
Eating eggs and waffles and tater tots in the dining hall for breakfast at 1 o’clock in the afternoon with your group of friends while still in pajamas and sweatpants still exhausted from the night before.
5. Late night conversations with your roommate
Those special nights where you both either can’t fall asleep or just avoiding homework. Plus, going to bed at night without someone in a bed across the room can get a little lonely.
6. Being able to do whatever whenever
Too many questions from the parents and having to ask to borrow the car again.
7. Going to the local restaurant in town for lunch
Shout out to Yellow Deli and Latte Lounge in Oneonta!
8. Having pizza (and other food) delivered
This one goes out to my fabulous roommate, as unlike many of us, she lives in the weird spot in her town where the pizza places will not deliver to her house.
9. Not wearing sweats to class every day and not being judged
What I can’t wear sweatpants to the beach?
10. The beauty of campus
If you are as lucky as those who go to SUNY Oneonta, you get the gorgeous mountain views every day. Even when it’s raining, it is absolutely stunning.
11. Your favorite place on campus
Between the calmness and focus of studying in the library or going to your favorite café on campus, those places just can’t be replaced with anything else.
12. Dorming
13. Not having to share food
Sharing is caring, but I don't care.