12 Things "Lemonade" Has Taught Me
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12 Things "Lemonade" Has Taught Me

My perspective on Beyoncé​'s surprise visual album.

12 Things "Lemonade" Has Taught Me

Beyoncé's surprise release of the entire visual album, "Lemonade" in April of 2016 takes the listener on a musical journey through the incredibly raw emotions of heartbreak, anger, acceptance, and love. Here are some of the things each song in this beloved album has taught me.

1. Pray You Catch Me

With a spine chilling intro, gut-wrenching vocals, and a hypnotic backtrack, the first song of the album opens up with one of Beyoncé's most vocally and emotionally raw tracks, depicting the heartache that follows the discovery of painful information. "Pray You Catch Me" has taught me to always trust your intuition, regardless of the agony it may bring. It has also allowed me to acknowledge sadness and understand that it is OK to not be OK at times.

2. Hold Up

This reggae-inspired song describes the denial that accompany the transition from sadness to anger. Beyoncé accurately expresses a common fear among many people in relationships when she sings, "What's worse, looking jealous or crazy?". Although this song could be interpreted as pure rage, I believe it showcases the self doubt that we all experience, especially after we feel we have been mistreated. "Hold Up" inspires me to always say what I need to say and fight for what I want, not being afraid to admit to love.

3. Don't Hurt Yourself

One word to describe this track: anger. Bey has finally reached her point of absolute rage and expresses it precisely when she shouts, "Who the F*CK do you think I am?!" to begin this intense rock, power ballad featuring Jack White. This song exudes self empowerment and reminds me to just, "let it be" when things are out of my control. The realization of loving who you truly are and being 100% content in the presence of yourself is an extremely powerful message.

4. Sorry

This pop anthem thoroughly illustrates apathy, and the care free attitude that has given her the strength to cut out the negative people and energy surrounding her. "Sorry" has allowed me to gain an unapologetic attitude, fully relying on karma to rid of all of the 'Becky's' in my life.

5. 6 Inch

This catchy, downbeat tune featuring The Weekend describes the type of work ethic that has made Beyoncé the incredibly successful, and well-known business woman that she is today. She talks of hard work, dedication, and self worth that inspires me to push myself and achieve all of my goals, being as successful as possible.

6. Daddy Lessons

With this New Orleans jazz/Texas country combination, Bey goes back to her roots and describes her origins. She discusses the idea of accountability that her father instilled in her, and how the toughness she gained early on has enabled her to push past current struggles. This is a concept that I can fully relate to.

7. Love Drought

With "Love Drought" you can begin to see a change in Beyoncé's mindset, finally feeling at peace with herself and now attempting to mend a damaged, yet promising relationship. This song demonstrates the ability to push past difficult times and being focused on seeking what will make you truly happy.

8. Sandcastles

Accompanied with simplistic piano chords, Beyoncé's vocal abilities truly shine through on this track that talks of undying love. This is a song of realization, passion, and the ability to accept the past and move on to happiness. She sings, "Show me your scars, and I won't walk away" depicting her desire for the truth and her capabilities to love. The characteristic of forgiveness eases the transition into the next song as she strives to move on.

9. Forward

Forgiveness. James Blake's hypnotic, electronic vocals captures the listeners with the concept of moving forward. The visuals depict the mothers who lost their children to police brutality and their attempts to accept and move on. Forgiveness is not an easy trait to have, however this song allows me to come to terms with things that have happened in the past.

10. Freedom

The idea of resurrection is present in this powerful song with intense vocals and instrumentals. Bey focuses on renewal, a concept that can be seen with the recurring image of water. This anthem inspires me to release everything holding me back and focus on being successful because, "A winner don't quit on themselves".

11. All Night

This ballad of eternal love and forgiveness gives hope for redemption and the return of happiness. "All Night" reinforces the ideals of self love and acceptance and reminds me that it is completely OK to feel every emotion that you experience. This song captures me every single time that I hear it and prompts me to be unapologetically happy.

12. Formation

In the final, iconic track of the album Beyoncé summarizes all of the concepts and experiences that she discusses in each song and expresses her true happiness. The catchy dance beat of the song encourages you to be proud of who you are, where you come from, and loving all of the flaws that you have. When you listen to this empowering song you can't help but bop your head and celebrate your successes.

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