I get it. We're all human, and we all make mistakes.
That doesn't mean we can't live our lives, we just need to learn from our mistakes.
From huge life decisions to ordering the wrong food, here is a list 12 of things I'll never do again.
1. Only wear tanning oil.
It might be a great tan, but the burn wasn't worth it
2. Work at a place that makes me truly unhappy.
3. Date a loser boy.
4. Procrastinate on a huge project.
5. Eat Shoofly pie.
It was honestly a terrible experience
6. Not believe in myself.
7. Order a Dunkin iced coffee with cream and sugar.
My teeth physically hurt after I drink one
8. Reschedule a dentist appointment.
9. Not appreciate my friends and family in my life.
10. Eat at Dick's Last Resort.
11. Not tell people how I feel.
12. Get Sheetz after the bar.
Okay, maybe that isn't true but a girl can hope