12. If today was a bad day, make tomorrow a better one.
You are in charge of how you handle things. Don’t give anyone the power to change your mood, if today is going badly, before you go to bed remind yourself that you’re going to wake up with a better mindset. Tomorrow will be a new day, tomorrow will be a better day. Don’t let others ruin your day, you got this.
11. Keep a journal
Try to keep a journal and write daily, or as often as you can to keep your mind clear. Rant if you want, or just write about how your day was. Keeping a journal is a good way to vent and let go of things that you may keep bottled in otherwise.
10. Get plenty of sleep
Sleep is very important! Getting the right amount of sleep can benefit you mentally and physically. Staying up to meet work/school deadlines won’t be worth it if you can’t stay up the next day to present them, don’t let yourself forget to sleep. Always, always, always, remember that sleep is important.
9. If someone makes you feel like you aren’t good enough, cut them off.
Life is too short to have people around who make you feel like you aren’t a wonderful person. Don’t keep people around if they don’t make you happy. If someone is bringing you down more than they are helping you up, then it is okay to be selfish, and cut them off. 2017 is your year, it is okay to do what is right for you.
8. Enjoy the outdoors!
Take some time out of your busy schedule to go for a walk at the park, or around your neighborhood. Take your dog out, or your kid. Go to the beach, go for a bike ride. Sit outside and color. Open a window. Just do what you can to get some fresh air, don’t let yourself forget how lucky we are to be able to be alive and healthy enough to be able to enjoy the outdoors.
7. Volunteer where/when you can.
Whether it’s at an animal shelter or a homeless shelter. If you have the time, give it to those who need it. It may seem like an odd thing to “get you through” the year, but you’d be surprised how much people (and animals) will appreciate even just an hour out of your week. If you have time to give this year, volunteer. Seeing faces light up when you give a helping hand is worth it, promise.
6. Try to keep your bedroom/car clean.
I know this seems insignificant, but you’d be surprised how much easier it is to get things done when your surroundings are neat. Try to clean at least once or twice a week.
5. Don’t procrastinate.
This is one that most people struggle with. Whether it be with paying bills on time, or doing homework, try your best not to procrastinate this year. Remind yourself of deadlines. Get a planner to stay on top of dates this year. You’d be surprised how much stress will be gone when you get things done on time.
4. Let go of the negatives.
It’s a new year, don’t let negative things hold you back from being a happy person. Don’t spend too much time dwelling on the past, or people from your past. Drop things that hold negative energy and let yourself be free. Don’t let yourself hate. Life is too short to let yourself spend it hating things when you can direct that energy towards something positive.
3. Treat yourself.
It is okay to buy yourself something nice every now and then. You deserve it, don’t wait for a significant other to buy you that nice necklace you’ve had your eye on for months, get it for yourself. Buy yourself that half-pint of cookies and cream ice cream. Don’t be afraid to buy yourself gifts, love yourself just as much as you’d love anyone else.
2. Set goals.
Whether the goals are large or small, set them. Have a check-list somewhere that only you can see, and when you achieve these goals, you’ll feel a little warmth in your heart. This way, you’ll always have something to work towards.
1. Remember to love unconditionally.
You can’t overuse the word love. This year, remember to love yourself more than anything. Love yourself, love your pets, love your friends, love your family, love your teachers, love the outdoors, love everything. When times get tough, turn to love. Remember that even in the darkest times of 2016, there was always someone who loved you, and in 2017 there will be so many more who will continue to love you. Love will get you through anything, so, when you’re getting through this year, don’t forget to love.