Think back through
all your years of schooling. Think of all your friends, classmates, and, most
importantly, your teachers. There’s probably at least that stands out among
the rest. Almost every student, at one time or another,
meets one teacher that changes their outlook on life. Throughout my twelve
years of schooling, I have been so lucky as to encounter several teachers who
changed my way of thinking, and, ultimately, the trajectory of my life. However, in all the excitement and confusion of senior year and graduation, a few things were left unsaid, and I'd like to say them now.
1. Thank you.
For the education, the support, for never giving up on me, and for all the time spent in your office just hanging out. It was the highlight of every day.
2. I couldn't have done it without you.
I seriously don't know if I could have gotten my diploma without your constant support, even when I was super obnoxious.
3. You're a good teacher...
You challenged us every day, even
Monday mornings, and pumped our minds so full of knowledge they almost exploded.
4. ...Even if you sometimes get frustrated.
In your position, who wouldn't get angry sometimes? I would want to kill that one kid who always seems glued to his phone, too.
5. I appreciate the work you do.
I don't know if people realize how much it takes to be a teacher. When we have to write one paper, you have to grade 80. That's a lot of
6. You inspire me.
Even with the knowledge of the less glamorous side of the job, you inspire me to follow my dreams of teaching. In simplest terms, I want to be just like you when I grow up.
7. I'm not perfect.
Sometimes I didn't do my homework because I just didn't feel like it. I didn't always study for big tests. I made the occasional snarky comment when I was in a bad mood. But you always put up with it.
8. You're not perfect, either.
Don't think I don't remember that essay I
definitely should have done better on. I was
furious. But I moved on and forgave you and I'm glad I did.
9. Students aren't always kind...
You know how some kids are. You expect them to work for their grades, and they hate you for it. Teenagers can be cruel.
10. ...But I always stand up for you.
I promise I haven't punched anyone... yet. But some people just need a friendly reminder that you're human, too.
11. My college professors have nothing on you.
Sure, they're fine at teaching, but I can't sit in their office and gossip about the other teachers' outfits like I did with you. It's just not the same.
12. I'll be back.
Don't lie, we'll both be making this face when I walk into your office. You can count on seeing my face anytime I'm home for a long break. Things will change, but I'll always come back to see you.