Working with kids everyday is great, sometimes. I have worked in a daycare for the past two years and I love my job, but it can be exhausting. There are a lot of interesting things that happen on a daily basis and just making it through the day can be a tough task. Here's a list of things that make the struggle of working in a daycare unique.
1. You can change diapers like a pro.
When you work with babies and toddlers, you change a lot of dirty diapers. When there are other kids in the room that are trying to kill each other, you have to change them fast, even the poopy ones. You are basically a diaper changing machine.
2. There are times when the kids start screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason.
It comes out of nowhere and there is no way to stop it.
3. When one kid gets sick, so does everyone else.
Flu season is the best.
4. When you tell the kids to do something, you are usually ignored.
Giving directions usually requires repeating the same thing multiple times. Even saying it louder doesn't work.
5. Whenever the kids who cause the most trouble are quiet, you know they're up to something.
This requires a sneak attack in order to catch them in the act.
6. So much snot!
A kid's nose is basically Niagara Falls during the winter. When they sneeze, they are usually in your personal bubble.
7. The kids have no filter.
If their parents only knew what they reveal to their teachers everyday.
8. There is always one toddler who calls all the teachers "Mama," even though you are clearly not their mom.
It's cute the first couple of times, but after a while, it gets old. Having to correct them every time is kind of exhausting.
9. When one kid hits another, they usually run away and act like they didn't do anything.
Then they get mad at you when you put them in time-out even though you clearly saw what they did.
10. By the end of the day, the center smells like a mix between B.O. and poop.
After a while, you get used to it. The only way you even know it's there is when the parents mention it when they walk in.
11. At the end of the day, when the parents all come in at the same time, it is the best part of your day.
You have to restrain yourself from expressing your excitement. Instead, you just have a little dance party in your head.
12. Even though your job is exhausting and the kids are hard, the little moments make it all worth it.
The bear hugs that they give you everyday are the best hugs in the entire world.