It's that time of year again when your friends and family start asking you for the infamous Christmas list. "Now that you're in college, what do you want for Christmas this year?" And let's be honest, it's a valid question. We are now at the age when even though we might want that new TV because it's 3 inches bigger than the one we currently have, we realistically just need life's essentials.
1. Food
Let's be honest. As a college student, we spend way too much money getting food on campus that isn't necessarily good for us. Then we go home and eat a lot of cereal or Ramen Noodles. So this Christmas, instead of giving me money that I would probably spend on something useless but happens to look cool, buy me groceries or take me grocery shopping.
2. Gas cards
Many of us are so broke that some weeks we have to decide between filling up our gas tank to get to class or buying food. And most of us prefer to eat. So in order to continue being able to drive to our classes, a gas card would be greatly appreciated.
3. Planner or calendar
College students are constantly shuffling between classes, jobs, homework and attempting to have a social life, that we become so busy we cannot think straight. There will be days where we forgot that we agreed to meet for coffee with a professor to talk about a paper the same time we were scheduled to work, both starting at 2 pm. Without a planner or calendar to mark everything down, this can happen all the time leaving us more flustered because we now have a conflicting schedule.
4. Coffee
COFFEE. COFFEE. COFFEE. Whether it be coffee beans, coffee filters, coffee pots or cream and sugar to put in the coffee, that stuff gets expensive. And college students are constantly running on caffeine fumes to get through their days. So I'll say it again, COFFEE.
5. Laundry soap
Once we realize we no longer have any clean pants or socks, it's time to do laundry. In college, we can't put our dirty clothes in the laundry room for our mom to do, we have to do it ourselves. And let's be honest again, many of our moms did our laundry for us right before we left for college; therefore, we have rarely ever done it ourselves. That means now we have to buy the laundry soap and make sure we get the right kind unless we want to constantly buy new packages of socks that aren't pink.
6. Gift cards
PLEASE, AND THANK YOU. Whether it be a gas card, for Meijer, for food or Starbucks, any form of gift card will be appreciated. We are broke college students and will appreciate any form of gift card because that means that $6 coffee didn't have to come out of our already empty bank account.
7. Pillows and a foam bed topper
I know this may seem dumb or ridiculous, but seriously. We spend so much time running around throughout our day that when it is finally time for bed, we want nothing more than to be able to pass right out. And for those of us living in a dorm, those beds aren't always very comfy. A foam bed topper would give a little extra comfort to that rock the school calls a bed. And who doesn't like a new pillow?!
8. Pictures
Cliche maybe, but everyone has at least a few people in their lives that make them happy. And for many of us, we are so busy with classes and work, that we rarely have a chance to go home to visit our families or friends. Having pictures of those people in our dorms or apartments can bring a smile to our faces even on the most stressful of days. And having pictures of your friends or family away from home can make you smile remembering all the incredible memories you've made together throughout your college experience.
9. Clothing
We are all in constant want or need of new clothes but are either too cheap or too broke to afford it ourselves. So moms if you want to buy your college student that new pair of jeans and that sweater, you go ladies.
10. Bicycle
Whether it be a day with beautiful weather or you're running late to class, a bicycle can be a form of exercise and a quicker way of transportation. Especially for those students that live on campus or don't have a car, a bike can be super helpful.
11.Kitchen stuff
Many of us are surviving college with that one pot from 5 years ago and one spoon to cook with, which isn't exactly cutting it. So if you're at a garage sale, looking through your own cupboards, or happen to see a sale going, pick up that set of pots and pans, or the kitchen utensils. We will greatly appreciate it.
12. Money
And if all else fails, money is always a good option. Growing up we always thought it was funny when we heard college kids say "I'm a broke college kid", but never truly understood what that meant until we came to college. It may not be a fun gift, but if you want to put money in an envelope to help your kid out with rent, tuition, or for food, you will be the real MVP.
I hope this holiday season is full of love and happiness for all of you. Despite what you may receive for Christmas this year, always remember the best gift we can ever receive is the people we surround ourselves with who love us unconditionally. Happy Holidays from one college student and her family to yours!