1. Binge watch all your favorite TV shows.
2. Eat as much home cooking as possible.
Cafeteria food.......*experiences waking nightmare*
3. Cuddle with all your pets for hours on end.
I know you'll still miss them a trillion times over when you're away, but this'll help just a little....possibly...
4. Hangout with your hometown friends once last time.
Go on crazy adventures! Be free! Have fun! You have to make up for all those months that you'll be apart. So get you better get started!
5. Spend time with your family while you can.
If you spend lots time with them now, then perhaps going away will be easier and they won't miss you QUITE as much when you leave. I am very skeptical however....
6. Put in one last effort to get a summer tan.
Well, it didn't work the first three months you tried, but hey, it's worth another shot.
.............Wait. Do you hear that noise?....Me neither. Isn't peace and quiet beautiful?
8. Do all your FREE laundry.
And, if you're very clever, you might even be able to trick your mom into doing it for you. HALLELUJAH!!!!
9. Go shopping!!....for your dorm room.
When you realize that the only reason that you're shopping is because you're going back to college soon, it puts a bit of a damper on the fun. But HEY!! It's still shopping!
10. Get a new shiny alarm clock in anticipation of the terrorizing nightmare known as 8 o'clock classes.
*shivers in fear*
You need at least one to prepare for all the stress and tense shoulders you'll be experiencing in the next few months.
12. NOT.......DO.........ANYTHING.......
Honestly though....need I say more?...