Over 15 million people in the United States alone suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder. While this number is quite high, the majority of people do not understand what the disorder actually is. Many see it as a personality trait, with most assuming that people with social anxiety are just "shy." What people fail to realize is SAD can have pretty intense symptoms that can weigh heavy on a person's everyday life. While everyone's experience with SAD is different, here are twelve unexpected things I'm doing because of my social anxiety.
1. Taking the Stairs
Being trapped in a small space with a stranger? No thanks, I'd rather climb up five flights of stairs.
2. Eating at Odd Times
I sometimes eat lunch at 2:00PM or dinner at 4:00PM just so I'm not in the dining hall with so many people.
3. Watching TV
Of course everyone loves watching TV, but I especially enjoy it because it's my way of being around people without fear of judgement.
4. Double Texting
If I don't get an immediate response, I start worrying that I've said something terribly awful or offensive. I try to fix what I previously said or just gently push for a faster response, but it usually just ends up making me feel more anxious.
5. Ignoring Your Texts
I admit, I'm extremely hypocritical when it comes to this. I want an immediate response to my texts, but won't respond for days to others. If I don't answer, I don't have to worry about what I've said.
6. Wearing Headphones
I'm guilty of wearing headphones all the time and not actually listening to music just so people won't talk to me.
7. Sending E-mails
I could very well ask the professor my question in class, but I'd rather just email them.
8. Ordering Online
Sometimes if I'm debating between two restaurants, I'll purposefully pick one because they have an online order system so I don't have to talk on the phone to actual human beings.
9. Smiling and Laughing
Doesn't seem like such a terrible thing, and usually it isn't, but I'm doing it CONSTANTLY. Not even necessarily when I'm happy, but just because I don't want you to think I'm a grouch.
10. Waking up Early
To be honest, I'd rather sleep in, but everything's way less populated early in the morning, enabling me to run errands with as few people as possible.
11. Purposefully Taking the Longer Route
If I know I'm gonna see someone I know on my way to class, I'll purposefully find another way to go so I don't end up running into them.
12. Pretending Like I Don't Have Social Anxiety
Most of the time, I'm not even pretending. My social anxiety doesn't prohibit me from enjoying all social activities, and some days are better than others. I'm capable of speaking to people. I actually love conversing with people when I'm not as anxious, and for whatever reason, I have zero fear when it comes to public speaking. But on the days when I'm feeling especially anxious, I'll do as much as I can to hide it.