Social work can be tough. Being in such an emotional field isn't easy, but fortunately we come prepared with tool box full of knowledge to help us out. But sometimes, our education does not prepare us for what we witness on a daily basis. Although being a social worker can be stressful, we do it because it's our calling. Whether it's related to work, home, or our relationships, chances are we need something unique to get us through. Next time you encounter a social worker, ask them if they need any of these things:
1. A Hug
Since it's not exactly kosher to hug our clients, we have had to hold back the urge to embrace for a long time. It's probably been a long, emotional day, and we need that physical touch in our lives.
2. A Second to Ourselves
When you're around people so much on a daily basis, the isolated cabin in the woods doesn't sound like such a horror movie after all. While our natural inclination is toward people, it's normal to want just a second of alone time.
3. A Cuddly Animal
Whether you're into dogs, cats, or iguanas, we needanimals of some kind in our lives. There's nothing better than coming home from an emotionally draining day and being greeted by the creature of your choice.
4. Coffee
Four clients and a home visit before noon? I'll take the entire pot, please.
5. A Wealthy Spouse
Yeah... We don't make very much money... But hopefully, our spouses do! However, we social workers are masters of living within our means.
6. Wine
The nectar of the gods when it comes to relaxation. Add in a bubble bath and we are set for the night.
7. A Tropical Vacation
Fiji, Puerto Rico, Mexico, basically anywhere with blue water and hot sand. We do a lot of great things at our 9-to-5. Why not reward ourselves with an unforgettable vacation? That wealthy spouse would come in handy right about now...
8. A Great Group of Friends
Our friends might not be social workers, but they can certainly be there for us in times of stress. Whether we need to vent about our day (but not break client confidentiality of course) or just relax and enjoy life, we need friends who are always there for us no matter what.
9. A Hobby We Can Lose Ourselves In
Crocheting, skiing, reading, hiking, running, you name it. If it's something you enjoy doing on a daily basis that relieves your stress and helps you focus, it should be central in your life. Always make time for it, no matter what happens during the day.
10. A Beautifully Laminated Copy of the Code of Ethics
We live by it. It literally governs everything that we do in our practice. Might as well have a nicely laminated copy hanging up on your wall to reference when you need it.
11. A Reminder That We Are Doing The Best That We Can
Somedays, we might just feel like complete crap. Maybe we saw someone go through something really hard, or a case struck a nerve