Everyone knows contacts, right?
For every glasses wearer, it was a blessing we all eventually received once our parents decided we were responsible enough. And of course, we all thought it was the greatest thing ever, because OH MY GOSH no more dorky glasses, right? Well, everything has it's downsides unfortunately. Sometimes those downsides are troublesome and sometimes they're actually really painful.
1. When you drop your contact (AOIJOFIJAOIFDBCIAIEUHD).
2. When you put your contact in the wrong way.
3. When you run out of solution and you really need to clean your contact or else you’ll probably face the wrath of the tiny dust particle (aka your eye will feel like it’s being mutilated).
4. Having an eyelash/piece of fuzz/flake of mascara fall into your contact and somehow gets underneath it and you know this is your end and you just have to accept it.
5. When you wake up from a nap and forget for a moment that your contacts are in and you think your eyesight has been miraculously cured.. And then you remember that your eyesight is still terrible.
6. When you take out your contacts and there’s that sudden wave of absolute relief.
7. The freedom to wear sunglasses whenever it’s sunny!
8. ..but then forgetting every pair of sunglasses you own on a sunny day and having to suffer through the sunlight torture and you spend the whole day apologizing to your eyes. (And then your eyes are like:)
9. Having someone tell you that you look better with your contacts in. Like thanks, now I feel obligated to wear them all the time since I apparently look ugly in my glasses, JUST LET ME BE LOW MAINTENANCE SOMETIMES, OKAY?
10. Forgetting to take your contacts out before getting into bed and cursing yourself for making yourself get back out of bed.
11. Sleeping in your contacts and wondering if you’ll ever be responsible enough to take care of anyone else but yourself (the answer is, no, probably not).
12. Sneezing so hard that you accidentally pop one out of your eye, and then just laughing because you’re kind of impressed with how strong your sneeze was (but also concerned because if your contact pops out when you sneeze, what else happens when you sneeze?).
No matter what, though, contacts have changed your life forever. For better or for worse.