"I have one cup of coffee each morning just to start the day off right. The other ones are to keep me out of jail, help me form sentences, and fuel my razor sharp wit." - Nanea Hoffman
As I sit here cup of coffee in hand, while wearing my oversized "but first, coffee" shirt I am forced to evaluate my addiction. First, I blame my grandparents for spoon feeding me coffee as a child. Now that I addressed that, I could think of a million things coffee does for me, a few reasons I love it and why my family and friends should be thankful I drink it. I'm sure you could too.
So here are 12 things I believe all coffee addicts can relate to.
1. The first thought you have when you wake up is "Where's the coffee, and when can I have it?"

2. People usually wait until after you've had your morning coffee to try any conversation and know by your mood if you've had that double shot espresso or not.

3. Your friends always know to bring you coffee when hanging out, no matter what time of the day it is.

4. The people at Dunkin' Donuts know your order by heart because you basically fund their establishment.

5. People have realized that no matter how much they comment on your coffee consumption, it won't actually change the amount of coffee you drink.

6. You feel as though you should have been the third Gilmore girl with your daily coffee intake.

7. You like your coffee to taste a specific way, but in the end you will drink it any way you can get it.

8. You beg your friends to love coffee as much as you do so you can have random coffee dates.
9. When asked "What size?" you reply with, "Whatever the largest one is."

10. You have more coffee mugs than any other dish in your house.

11. You probably own one or 20 things that say, "But first, coffee."

12. It doesn't matter what people think of your addiction, as long as they pass you another cup. ☕️

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