As we finish midterms, we begin to enter the best part of the year: fall. Not only is my birthday in the season (which we all know is the MOST important), but fall also brings out some of the best things about life. So, here are 12 of the best things about Fall!
1. Sweater Weather
We all have that one sweater we wear too much. I know that's not just me...
2. Bonfires
The best thing about bonfires is the smell it leaves on your sweatshirt that you refuse to take off because of its hypnotizing odor.
3. Crunchy Leaves
No matter how old you are, you will have gone out of your way to step on the crunchiest leaf you could find. Even if this was on your way to an 8:30 AM class on a Monday morning.
4. Apple Picking
You always plan to pick the best apples and leave them until you get home. When you get home, you realize you only have bruised apples because you ate all the ripe, shiny ones. What can you do?
5. Apple Pie
What is fall without a nice slice of cinnamon heaven in the form of apple pie?
6. Cuddling
Okay, come on. Everyone loves to cuddle. It's the best way to stay warm during those cold nights because you refuse to shut your bedroom window. Dorms room can be warm very quickly!
7. Pumpkin Carving
There are so many things you can do with a pumpkin! The possibilities are endless!
8. Trick-or-Treating
I do not want to hear "I'm too old for this!" or "That's for babies!". Trick-or-treating is great and acceptable at any age. It's free candy! (Side Note: do not make your children feel bad for still wanting to trick-or-treat. It keeps them out of shenanigans.)
9. Thanksgiving Dinner
The best reason to return home from campus! From early in the morning until 3 weeks later, the smell of the kitchen is an overwhelming aroma of heaven (mixed with more cinnamon).
10. Hayrides
So your butt gets a little itchy and the tractor moves too slow. So what? It's too traditional to pass on! It's a great way to find the best pumpkins before straining yourself picking up the best one.
11. Apple Cider
The nectar of the gods. Plain and simple.
12. Changing Leaves
The beauty of it all. When those colors change, a new sense of hope is born. Hope for a cool, spooky three months.
This is just proof that fall is the best season. No arguments for an opposing view will be tolerated, unless you would like to argue Christmas as it's own season, then we can talk...