As my freshman year draws to an end, I have come to realize how much I have changed. Not just in the standard finding-my-independence kind of way, but also in my attitude toward school, friends and my life in general. Was I really this different my first semester or did I just not know how to deal with some parts of the transition to college.
Here are 12 things I wish someone would have told me before going to college:
1. Invest time into your relationship with your roommate.
My roommate and I barely talked during Fall semester and when Spring semester came around we practically became best friends. I just regret the time I wasted not talking to her.
2. Don't invest too much time in boys that aren't interested in you.
College is that moment in life when everyone just wants to enjoy their freedom. Don't waste your precious time pining over some guy that is doing just that, enjoying his freedom. This is your time too!
3. Take advantage of all the opportunities the school has to offer you.
You have no idea how many times my friends are participating in activities on campus that I have no idea about. Engage with your fellow schoolmates!
4. Go to the gym.
It gives you valuable time for yourself and helps you to clear your head. If you don't like the gym, then go to fitness classes, this will also give you the opportunity to meet new people.
5. You are going to have to pull all-nighters.
It happens and it is okay. No matter how many credits you are taking, you are going to have to pull a few all nighters throughout the semester. This is not because of your lack of planning skills, it is just part of college life.
6. You are going to be stressed out throughout the semester.
This is totally okay. Everyone has certain points throughout the semester when they aren't sure if they are doing the right thing or how they are going to pull everything off. Just breathe and you'll get there.
7. There are going to people that you don't like.
As much as you want to be friends with everyone and ride unicorns on rainbows, there are going to be people you aren't going to like and that is totally fine. Just keep your distance from them and live your life without them, don't associate yourself with people you don't like.
8. Work on yourself.
This is your time. You are never going to be this free and spirited as you're right now. Take the time to really get to know yourself and enjoy what you have. All happy girls are comfortable with themselves and they project that to the world around them.
9. Call home when you miss your family.
There is no need to feel alone. When you miss your family, just call them and talk to them. Most of the time they will motivate you and will tell you just how proud they are of you, it will remind you why you are at college in the first place.
10. Time spent with friends is never wasted.
I love my friends and I might spend too much time with them, but I wouldn't change it for the world. If you are afraid your homework might suffer because of your active social life, just do homework with your friends. Recognize who your real friends are and let them know you appreciate them.
11. When something is bothering you, tell your friends.
They might be able to give you new insights into the situation. Bonus: you'll also become closer as friends.
12. Enjoy your time at college!
College is pretty awesome and it is a waste not to enjoy every second of it!