Growing up in the Greater Chicago Area is very unique in many ways.
There are some things native to the area only people from around the area will understand. However, it does feel weird when I am away at school and never see the commercials I have grown up with on TV anymore because I am out of the area. These television commercials and fads are ones you will only understand if you have grown up or lived around Chicago that everybody from this area knows about.
A carpet store found in the Chicago area, this company is arguably the most famous to Chicago residents for it's catchy tune, "773-202-LUNA". Yes, their catchy tune is none other than the companies phone number. In case you were wondering, 5862 is the last four digits which makes LUNA on a phone key. For some weird reason, I always keep this number in my phone address book not because I shop at the store or anything, but just because I like the commercials of this company. It is such a catchy commercial you have to see it to believe it.
2. Empire Today
Again, this is another carpeting company with various locations throughout the Chicago Area. Unlike Luna, these commercials always have some animated man wearing glasses and a blue carpeting suit. In turn, this man seems to be the de facto spokesperson of the company. He may not mean much to you, but for me, that animated carpenter is an icon on my morning news. Just call "800-588-2300 EMPIRE!"
3. United Auto Insurance
You probably have never heard of this company. Since this is only a discount insurance company around Chicago. However, the jingle of "UNITED AUTO INSURANCE 773-202-5000. WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED, CHICAGO!" Is hard to ignore. I seriously may just buy that insurance whenever I buy my first car all because I love the commercials.
4. Attorney Peter Francis Geraci
Chicagoians never have to worry about finding a creditable lawyer who can get themselves out of debt if such unfortunate events happen. We all know we can count on Attorney Peter Francis Geraci to save us. Bankruptcy and debt issues are all things Geraci can attack. If you ever see an orange screen with some man on it, no your television is not broken. It is just Peter Francis Geraci trying to save you from debt.
5. Annoying Political Advertisements
We all know this too well. Illinois has gained a negative reputation for the numerous deceptive and corrupt politicans who have taken office in recent years. Now it seems on nearly every even numbered year, all politicians running for public office in Illinois will get attacked on every damn commercial break you have. Nobody seems to be honest and trustworthy. So it will really get on your nerves when you see commercials attacking politicians for the exact same thing every single day. Besides the awful play of the team, I have one more reason why I dread watching the Bears in October of even numbered years. Those political ads are far too annoying to keep up with. It is always a big relief waking up on the Wednesday after Election Day. That means no more annoying political ads attacking corrupt politicans for two more years! Hallejuah!
6. Gurnee Chyrsler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram on Grand Avenue
Affluency is very common throughout the suburbs of Chicago. Which in turn means there are hundreds of car dealerships around the area. However, it is hard to find a more iconic car dealership commercial then Gurnee's Chyrsler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram Dealership on Grand Avenue. They always sing "We're Gurnee Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram on Grand Avenue!" At the end of every advertisement. What is so catchy about that particular jingle is that it sounds like an old Beach Boys song. Brian Wilson, I will buy you a car from this dealership all because the voice in this commercial sounds exactly like yours. Oh and speaking of iconic car commercials...
7. And there's only one... Bob Roaaaaaaarman
Yes, this one is another legendary car advertisement. Sure you will see many men trying to woo over consumers in their dealerships. Do you remember the names of those men? Well, you probably don't. On second thought, you do if you come from Chicago. There has never been a name more catchy and easier to remember then Bob Rohrman. All in part of the commercials ending off with an animated lion driving off a car from his dealership proclaiming "There is only ONE... Bob Roaaaaaaaaaarman". I dare you to try and find a more iconic man to star in your dealership ad. Odds are you won't.
8. The Six Flags Man
Anyone who has grown up and spent their childhood anywhere near the Chicago area will tell you the best days of the elementary school summer were spent at Six Flags Great America. It is understandable to an outsider why a kid loved all of his/her days at the best amusement park in Chicago. What outsiders will never understand are the commercials and the one man that got us all to come to the park. We didn't have Mickey Mouse anywhere near us to persaude us to come to his magical fantasyland. In fact, there were no costumed charcters on the television commercials who made the park such an appealing playground. Instead, it was this old dancing bald guy who would come on every commercial with his trademark phrase "More Flags, More Fun!" Unfortunately, I never ran into that guy at the park. However, I would still love to meet this guy. Anyone know how I can meet him?
9. Moo And Oink
This is one most readers will not recongize at all. Moo and Oink was a grocery chain, mostly located on the South Side of Chicago. What nobody will ever forget about these commercials are the dancing people wearing pig and cow costumes. Unfortunately, the cow is no longer mooooing anymore. As this chain ceased operations a few years earlier. Still, nobody can ever forget about the thrill of these commercials.
10. Victory Auto Wreckers
You may very well still view this commercial. Appearently, this company has used the exact same commercial with the green car for the last forty years. This one is easy to recongize all due to the out-of-date technology and car used this commercial. Some things will never change I guess.
11. Blondie's "Call Me" on WGN News Channel 9.
I have no idea if this news station is still doing this. However, on WGN Morning News, you would be able to hear Blondie's hit "Call Me" in the background after switching from a commercial segment back to the news. This is something you will only understand if you have been a longtime viewer of Chicago's Very Own WGN News like I have been.
12. The Whole Town is Talking About The Webb Boys
I seriously have no idea what these ads have even represented or anything. But it's hard to ignore "The Whole Town Is Talking About The Webb Boys" jingle. Such a tuney and ear-appealing jingle makes this one hard to miss.