As summer has made it's way around the corner, the lifeguard season has come in full swing. While you all out planning your vacations and buying the hottest swimsuits, we will be buying our gallons of sunscreen and crying about the heat strokes and heart attacks we are about to have.
1. The Tan Lines....
These are more of a struggle for us, because we have to wear shirts and shorts.....Double the bad tan lines...Even if you go on vacation for a week and get rid of them, they always seem to sneak their way back
2. Ratio of minors to non-minors is ridiculous
They need a break every 4 hours, which in-turns either gives the non-minors early lunches(not hungry) or lunches at the end of the day (starving and could eat a cow). It is their first job most likely so they don't take it seriously. And lets be real they are just too immature half the time.
3. Working around children everyday is birth control enough.
Who needs birth control when you have screaming, running, out of control children in front of you everyday all day
4. Every person tries to challenge the rules you HAVE to enforce.
"No you can't wear shoes", "but they are water shoes", "the answer is still no"
"stay in your tube", "why", "because you can get hurt", "haha sure" **get's out of tube...gets hurt.
5. Smelling like sunscreen, chlorine, and sweat 24/7
No matter how hard you try the smell will never leave you. Your hair with be dry, just like your skin and sweating in florida is inevitable.
6. When it if you live in Florida it's every day
These are the days we pray for.
7. The kids that just can't wait their turn
8. When grandma's experiment with two piece bathing suits....
Every time this happens I want to internally throw-up. Just remember grandma's save experimenting for the bedroom.....BEHIND CLOSED DOORS
9. Getting told to smile more.
Smiling will most likely never happen as long as I am on park grounds.
10. When you do your job and save a child and the parent yells at you to leave him alone....oh okay...just drown, fine with me.
Believe it or not this happens almost daily.
11. When someone asks what you do on your day off
We never get a day off which in turns makes us forget what a weekend actually is
12. Yelling "WALK" all day everyday
They will never listen and this will always happen. It has started to be my entertainment.