Being a morning person seems like all fun and games -- you get to watch the sunrise, things get accomplished earlier, the list can go on and on. However, sometimes, being a morning person isn't always the best time, at least in the short run. Despite getting the worm, having some scientifically proved health advantages, among other things, here's a few of the struggles that we morning people face every day:
1. It's never light out when you wake up.
Waking up super early isn't always all sunshine and rainbows -- literally. Getting up at the crack of dawn can be a little confusing sometimes -- or concerning. I can't even count the amount of times I've woken up and panicked because I thought it was six in the evening, not six in the morning.
2. It can be kind of lonely if none of your significant others/roommates/friends/family are morning people, too.
No one else of normal sanity is awake when you're up, so it gets kind of boring going through your morning routine alone with no one to get ready or eat breakfast with. Some mornings I find that I have just a little too much me time.
3. You're ready for your nap by 10.
Being a morning person, I tend to get most of my important busywork done early, so by 10, when everyone else is just getting up, I feel like I need a nap. This isn't necessarily always a bad thing though -- I don't mind waking up just in time for lunch.
4. You just want to blast music, but don't want to wake everyone else up.
If you're a morning person you probably spend those lonely couple of hours trying to be dead silent so that you don't wake up those (normal) people still sleeping around you. And God forbid if you do accidentally wake someone up; get ready to face their wrath. Listening to music helps you get things done? Nope. You like to sing in the shower? Forget it.
5. You go through more coffee than the average person.
You start with standard one cup when you wake up, just like everyone else, but if you haven't gotten your nap in by noon, you might find yourself craving that extras kick of caffeine. Going through a mild withdrawal and having the shakes in my 1 p.m. class is no fun.
6. You're easily offended when someone is grumpy toward you in the early hours.
It's hard to remember that when you're as chipper as can be in the early hours, not everyone else is, and believe it or not, most people aren't happy at all. Try to remember not to take it personally when your roommate snaps at you before her 8 a.m. -- she probably isn't on her third latte.
7. It's nearly impossible to ignore your internal alarm clock.
Even on those mornings you can "sleep in," your body just seems to say "nope." And the worst is when you've somehow managed to have a late night, I'm talkin' not going to bed until two or three in the morning, yet there you are sitting at the kitchen counter with your first cup of coffee at 6 a.m. just like you went to bed around 10 p.m. -- you'll be feeling that later.
8. You get everything done early, so you often feel bored later in the day when everyone else is busy.
When most people are heading off to the library, class, or to run their errands, you've already accomplished all of that and then some. The abundance of me time as a morning person seems never-ending sometimes.
9. The gym is always eerily empty.
This is especially true for those early morning gym-goers that are away at college. But this might be a good thing, because I'm positive that I'm not the most attractive thing to see first thing in the morning, sweating my butt off on the elliptical.
10. Not being able to watch TV because all that's on is the infomercials.
You know you wake up early when even the "good-morning whatever" talk shows aren't even on. So, unless you thoroughly enjoy listening to people ramble on about useless, overpriced products, TV is nowhere near a necessity in your morning routine.
11. Being hungry during non-standard meal times
10:30 a.m. hits and you. Are. Starving. You've gone through a bagel, some fruit, a bowl of cereal, and like five cups of coffee, but that just ain't cutting it. How is it not even lunchtime yet?!
12. Going to bed much earlier than everyone else.
This is another thing on the list that isn't necessarily a struggle all of the time... I mean, who can complain about being neatly tucked into bed by 10 p.m.? But, it does put a damper on those weekend plans when everyone is just starting to get ready and you're falling asleep trying to put your mascara on, or when you head out to dinner with your family and get yelled at by your mom for yawning through the entire thing.