So here I am, sitting in a nice Chinese restaurant with my mom, looking at the delicious menu of lomain and Crab Rangoon as a sweet looking waitress walks up to our table. She politely asks my mother if she would like one of their signature Mai Tai's and of course my mother says "Absolutely!!!" The waitress then looks at my 20 year old, I repeat, 20 YEAR OLD self and tells me how I'm in luck today since there is a special on the kid's menu, which she then states is for kids 11 and younger. 11. AND. YOUNGER. Now usually I just brush these common misconceptions people have about me off, but c'mon do I really look 11 lady? I know I'm not the only one who deals with this problem, so I decided to share some of the most annoying struggles us baby facers deal with on a day to day basis.
1. Getting offered a juice box when everyone else gets offered a beer.
2. When someone asks me what grade in high school I'm in.
3. When they ask to see your ID before going into an R-Rated movie.
4. Working as a bartender/server and constantly being asked, "are you even old enough to carry that?!"
5. Getting hit on by freshman in high school.
6. Not getting hit on by people your actual age because they think you're their little sister's age.
7. The way people look at you when you tell them your real age.
8. When you get called a "cutie pie" or some other insanely cheesy name you call 3 year old girls.
9. Getting a laugh to the face when you even try to order a drink.
10. Attempting to do your make up to make you look older, but ending up looking like an 8 year old who got into her mom's make up bag.
11. Shopping at a store and having a worker direct you to the little girl's section.
12. Then when you finally have had the last straw and loose all your marbles in front of everyone.
Take it from me when I say looking younger than you actually are is the worst. I'm still hoping on the fact that when I'm older and want to be young again, at least I'll look that way. But for now, I'm going to sit here and complain to all of you about how annoying it is to look like a Disney Channel Original Movie character.