Living far away from your best friends is hard. Sometimes, you need their shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, occasionally to agree with you without question and, of course, someone to knock some sense into you. It can be hard to cope with not seeing them every day. So here's a away to get started with dealing with the grief.
1. Text them every day.
Let's be real, most of us are glued to our phones, so why not use them to make missing your best friend a little easier?
2. Skype Movie Nights
On Skype there is a cool feature where you can share your desktop so the person you are talking with can see whats happening on your screen. Right click on the call and press share screen!
3. Friend Dates
Find a day each month that works for both of you to see each other in person to catch up and talk face to face.
4. Send mail
If you can, send your friend letters or souvenirs in the mail. This is really helpful for friends who live in different states or countries. Plus, the messages are a lot more meaningful.
5. Collaborative Playlist
Using Spotify or other apps can allow you to make playlist with your friends to share new music you are currently interested in and keep in touch with each others interest.
6.Video Games
Most games now have an online feature. With this you can do something with your friend that is fun (but still from your own house) and still chat!
7. Buy Matching T-Shirts
As silly as it sounds, having shirts that declares your friendship might make you feel a little closer.
8. Go to their events
If they play sports or music or anything else that has an event, try to go to as many as possible even just for when they are up to show your support.
9. Social Media
Many social media websites have ways to privately share messages. You can also share public articles they may like-- using Instagram is a great way to tell them you are thinking about them.
10. Family
When you are best friends with someone, their family becomes yours. So keep in touch with them-- plus, you get to her the embarrassing stories your friend won't tell you.
11. Reminisce and Plan Ahead
Talk about you favorite memories and relive them. And don't forget to mention the memories you have yet to share!
12. Accept the fact you will always miss them
There is no getting around it: we can't survive without our best friends.