The best advice that I can give to anyone who is not happy where they are in college is to get out! Find a school that makes you happy, and leave. Transferring was one of the best, and hardest, decisions that I’ve ever had to make, and I do not regret it one bit.
- 1. So you finally decided to get out and transfer? Congratulations, and join the rest of us. You will change your mind about 10 times but in the end, you know that transferring will be for the best.
- 2.Applying to the new school. You may already know where you want to transfer, or you may only know that you want to get out of where you are. No matter what the situation is, you still have to find that new school and go through the application process all over again. And like you remembered from senior year of high school, it's just as long and tedious.
- 3.Telling all of the friends you’ve made that you’re leaving. This was probably the hardest part for me. I had made some of the best friends, even if I didn’t like where I was. It’ll be hard being away from them, but technology makes life so much easier for a reason.
- 4.Trying to find housing that isn't a dorm. You're number one goal is to not feel like a freshman all over again because you don't want to have to deal with the immaturity, but sometimes it's all you're stuck with.
- 5.Getting through the rest of the semester at the school you want to leave. It’s hard, trust me. You are looking forward to a new semester at your soon-to-be new home, but you still have to finish strong.
- 6.Making the best of your last few weeks with your friends. You are doing everything you can to make sure you end your semester in this place with a bang! (To be honest, this is one of the only things you will really miss.)
- 7.Saying goodbye to the school but feeling no real emotional connection to it. You are so ready to get out and you have finally realized what it means to find the “good” in goodbye.
- 8.Having to sit through a transfer orientation. Transfer orientation is basically freshman orientation all over again but 50 percent of the people are over the age of 40. It’s not the easiest place to meet people and all you can think about is the food that’s provided and the nap you're going to take when you get home.
- 9.Counting down the days until you can move in and until classes start. By this point, you’ve given up trying to look as excited as a newly graduated high school student but you just can’t contain it! Only forty seven days and three hours...
- 10.Having to learn a whole new campus. It was a challenge the first time trying to find your algebra class in the building that felt like a maze, so imagine the confusion when you transfer to a school that’s three times bigger, or sometimes smaller.
- 11.Trying to meet new people all over again. In college you learn too many names so starting over again in a new place is not any easier. Meeting people and being able to memorize names immediately is a talent that I do not have but I am good at pretending like I remember!
- 12.Finally settling in and realizing you made the right choice. Transferring is a process and it can be difficult adjusting but at the end of the day, you are so happy with the decision you made.