1. Excitement
Just the thought of ice cream makes your heart skip a beat and you can't get the glorious scoops of creamy goodness into your bowl fast enough.
2. Content
You deserve this. You worked hard for your spring break body but guess what? Spring break is over. It's time to give in and have a cheat day.
3. Should I stop myself?
You know it's wrong yet it tastes so right. You rationalize with yourself, convinced that you can stop whenever you want to, but just not yet. So you continue to shovel bite after bite into your mouth.
4. Gold mining
So now you've figured out the good parts of the ice cream i.e. the cookie dough or brownie chunks, and the search is on. You sift, dig and push other stuff aside in search of the best parts. It's become a game and each time you find what you're looking for you reward yourself by eating it.
5. Things are getting messy
Oh wow you've eaten half the pint already, and I'm pretty sure the other half is on your face.
6. Trying to stop yourself
"Okay I need to stop soon... after this bite." You convince yourself that each bite you take will be your last, but after each bite you realize you're mentally prepared to put it down yet... and you need one more bite.
8. Attempting to count the calories you've consumed
So it looks like you've eaten three quarters of the container already. If there's 8 servings in the container and each serving size is a fourth of a cup and 180 calories, how many calories have you eaten already? Alright that's too much math. The real question is who would make a serving size only a fourth of a cup?
9. Depression
You start to think about the extra crunches and lunges you're going to need to compensate for the hundreds of calories you've just consumed. You reminisce on the wonderful flat stomach you had only 20 minutes ago, the abs you worked so hard for. This is all very sad, so you decide to cure your depression with more ice cream.
10. You're in deep
Literally. You can see the bottom of the container. But which will you regret more? Stopping now or continuing to indulge yourself? Answer: stopping now.
11. Trying to rationalize your actions
You think, "Well, I can't put it back with this much left, that's just cruel for my future self. Might as well consume all the calories now so I don't have to consume them later."
12. The damage is done
Congratulations, you've just joined the "Eat a pint of ice cream all by yourself" club. Not your greatest accomplishment but what's done is done, you can deal with your bloated stomach tomorrow.