Being short is almost like a curse. You can never get away from it. There are some perks, but most of your life, you are constantly reminded of your below-average height. It's OK, though, you're not alone!
1. Your head is always someone's arm rest.
This is the most common problem for a short person. We've all experienced it and we all hate it.
2. "Wow, you're a lot shorter than I realized," is a common conversational topic.
The amount of times when I've been having a conversation with someone and then they just whip this line out on me is unreal. It's as if I hadn't already noticed that I'm short while I'm breaking my neck to keep eye contact. I know that I'm not the only one.
3. You can't ever reach what you need when no one else is around.
Have you ever been in the grocery store by yourself and needed something that's on the top shelf? I have. I have also asked taller strangers to reach those things for me multiple times and I'm not ashamed.
4. Climbing is a learned talent of yours.
Why are there even kitchen cabinets that high?
5. Ankle-cropped pants fit like regular pants.
All of my pants are supposed to be ankle-cropped, but they are actually the perfect length for my short legs. I've even had to roll some before. Where are the sections for short people in stores?
6. Borrowing pants from friends is never a good idea.
Honestly, I learned a long time ago not to borrow pants from friends. They always end up needing to be rolled up a good five or six times and then I just have fat ankles. It's not fair.
7. You've worn the same size clothing since the fifth grade.
I'm still repping those elementary sports team jerseys and t-shirts!
8. Heels are always acceptable.
This is the greatest thing about being short. I love all heels and it's great to have the ability to wear them whenever and wherever.
9. Driving can be a struggle.
The seat will always need to be pushed as close to the wheel as possible. It will always be lifted as high as possible. I'm dangerously close to the steering wheel airbag and there's nothing that I can do about it.
10. Only your toes touch the ground in most chairs.
There is nothing that makes me feel more like a child than this. I always end up swinging my feet like a child too. Basically, I'm still a child.
11. Sometimes, you get winded while walking because you're trying to keep up with your friends.
Tall people just don't understand how hard it is to keep up sometimes. Sometimes, it's even a jog to keep up with the fast-paced ones.
12. Long jackets and sweaters make your legs disappear.
I steer clear of anything that is styled long or else I look like I don't have legs. It's such a shame because some long jackets are just so cute.