Here are a few things Psych majors have experienced, have gotten annoyed by, and have heard throughout their education:
1. Diagnosing people and yourself in your mind even though your teachers told you not to.
Guilty of this...
2. How your friends, family members, and pets feel after they come to you for a venting session/advice:
It is a blessing and a curse.
3. When you have a headache, so you try to figure which part of the brain is affected/hurts
4. You feel blessed that you have the knowledge and compassion to help and understand others
Psych majors will make a difference in the future!
5. Taking personality tests during the free time (Thank you, Buzzfeed!)
Q: "What Is Your Secret Personality Type Based On The Colors You See?"
6. You're up for 3 days completing a 15-page research paper.
What is sleep? What are bags? Psych majors may never know *Tootsie Roll Narrator voice*
7. When you still have to know Stats and take Biology courses.
I would much rather compete in the heptathlon than to know stats.
8. Hearing "Psychology is an easy major"
Psychologists have to obviously obtain their bachelor's to then move on to their master's to then get their Ph.D. or Psy.D, which involves a lot of schooling... Oh and hey what a surprise: Medical school. So yes, psychologist, psychiatrists, neurologists, etc are REAL doctors. You don't have to practice medicine just to be a doctor---This is really a brief, but please do some research before you speak.
-Sincerely, all psych majors
9. You have a passion for theories and how cool they are!
10. You're tired of hearing "psychology is a tough field to get into and it is hard to get a job with only a bachelor's."
No shit, Sherlock. Let me be happy. Ok? I'm the one who is getting the degree in. Not you.
11. You get this reaction when you use certain terms.
I am guilty of this when I talk about certain theories (and what it does) and brain parts/functions.
12. You love your major regardless of what people say. *flips hair*
Do you boo! Do you!