Hi, my name is Claire Hampton and I'm a Pin-aholic. (This is the part where you say, "Hi Claire.")
Today we will be discussing the 12 signs of Pinterest-itis. If you relate to all or most of these, then you too are a Pin-aholic.
This article is not responsible for any extra time you may spend on Pinterest after reading it.
1. Everything you say or quote comes from Pinterest
Praying it's not a conspiracy because, if so, I've fallen for the bait.
2. You have a board for everything, and I mean everything
Everyone was getting a Pinterest in the 6th grade, or was it 7th? Anyways, I made an account too and immediately got sucked in.
3. You've planned out your entire wedding
Tell me, why doesn't money grow on trees again?
4. Your sentences often begin with, "I was scrolling through Pinterest and found..."
But really though...
5. The photo album on your phone is filled with screenshots of things you have found on Pinterest
This is probably why I have over 500 pictures in my screenshots album.
6. You're always scared people will think you're getting married (when you're not) because you just spent a few hours pinning engagement rings
16 isn't too young to start planning, right?
7. You had your college dorm room designed long before you were old enough to take the ACT
It's never too early to start preparing for college, especially when it comes to choosing a color scheme.
8. Wishing your closet was filled with all the pins you have in your clothing, shoes, and accessories board
Or just wishing you could actually pull off anything you have in your clothing, shoes, and accessories board. Those 6-inch wedges are super duper cute, but you know in reality your ankles are too weak to wear them and you would fall and break your neck in like 0.2 seconds.
9. We've all looked up and cooked recipes but they never turned out as aesthetically pleasing to the eye
Yup. Nailed it.
10. Has like thousands of DIY things pinned but has never tried one of them
They seem like great ideas when you first pin them, but then you realize you would have to exit out of Pinterest and you've scrolled this far already. Not to mention you would have to actually get up.
11. Pins a bunch of exercise routines, is determined to try them out, but never “gets around” to them
Seriously, I think I've done maybe one. I always give myself great excuses, like, keep pinning!
12. Low key hoping your future husband has a Pinterest so he can know what kind of engagement ring to get you
And also hoping that he is not upset you already planned the entire wedding before you even met him. Maybe he won't want a say in things? Well, here's hoping!