In a group of friends there is always one that happens to act like a mom. They are protective, supportive, and loving. Sometimes they act like such a mom you get them and your actual mom confused. Here are some signs that you're the mom of your friend group.
1. You're friends call you mom.
When they need something, when somethings going wrong, or even when you're acting too much like one your friends always call you mom.
2. You refer to your friends as your children.
You take care of them so much sometimes you wonder if they are actually your children.
3. Target is your guilty pleasure.
You could spend your entire day in Target and have no problem with it if it wasn't for the amount of money you spend when you're there.
4. You drive a vehicle that seats at least 7 people.
Whether it be a Mini Van or a Suburban, you can it everyone in the car at one time.
5. You are the one who pushes everyone to do their best.
You know how well they can succeed when they put their mind to it, so you push your friends to do their best and aim high, not to mention you're their number one fan.
6. You always have a medicine cabinet in your purse.
Someone always gets a headache, or a sore throat, or some type of issue but you're always prepared with everything and anything in your purse.
7. Your daily wardrobe consists of athletic clothing and sneakers.
You have to be comfortable when running around doing errands or taking care of your friends all day.
8. Wine is a must.
Wine is the best thing that has ever happened to you and you always have it on hand for any night of the week.
9. You're the designated chauffeur for everything.
Whether it's going to the movies, being the designated driver, anything at all you always seem to be the one driving everyone around.
10. You always have snacks on hand because someone always complains they are hungry.
Someone always happens to be hungry when you go out, but everyone can count on you because you're always prepared.
11. You always find yourself talking someone out of a dumb decision.
Let's be real, your friends are always making dumb decisions so it's not a surprise when they come to you asking for advice or asking you how to fix it.
12. You're a proud mamma and would do anything for your friends.
You love your friends like they are your own children, no matter what they do, you wouldn't be the "mom" you are today without them.