Imagine this: you're a young adult and aren't sure whether you're really ready to be living somewhere other than with your parents, but you're also looking around at your peers wondering how some of them got where you are. In other words, you feel both ahead and behind where you're "supposed to be."
For many twenty-somethings this is reality. College aside, there isn't really a big transition between being a kid and being an adult; you're just kind of thrown in. So for every moment you finally feel like a grown-up, you find yourself reverting to childhood in the next. Here are 6 pairs of those moments that make you the paradoxical adult-child.
1. You have your own place...
And nobody has to tell you what to do.
2. ...but you hate taking care of it.
3. You don't want to go to the club anymore...
Mostly because you don't want to have to put on a second face and wear skin-tight pants.
4. ...but you still enjoy going out for drinks.
You just go to a winery instead of a club. Because you're classy af.
5. You enjoy cooking...
And you're inspired to try all these new, awesome recipes. (Ones that are actually awesome like these.)
6. ...but sometimes you just end up eating junk for dinner.
An actual photo of my dinner from last week.
7. You have moved on from childish drama...
8. ...but you have to refrain from laughing when your boss/professor/mom accidentally says something dirty.
13. You want to have your life together...
Because you're getting sick of the unknown and want to get into a routine.
14. ...but sometimes you dream of packing up and running away.
And doing whatever you want forever.