We can’t help it; it’s a sickness really. So if you had the record for the most tardies in high school, never made curfew and have had relationships break up because you were two hours late to their birthday -- here’s to you. The first step is acceptance right?
1. When getting ready to go out, your friends tell you a time 30 minutes earlier than they actually plan for
They know you’re not going to be there at 7:30 P.M. unless you’re told 7:00 P.M. Even then they might be still be waiting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. You’ve perfected the art of getting ready in less than 10 minutes
Nap too long? One Netflix episode too many? Every perpetual late-ie knows you skip the shower, take that perfume bath and get out the door in nine minutes -- looking fly af.
3. You know the exact latest time you can get out of bed and still make it to class before they take attendance
8:49 A.M. -- We gucci. 8:51 A.M. -- Run!!!
4. You can come up with some pretty bomb excuses right on the spot
"OK, see, what happened was..."
5. The amount of times you’ve bickered with your besties because you showed up 30 minutes after the LASTEST POSSIBLE TIME is uncountable
“But I’m here now, right?!”
6. When you actually are on time people can’t stop telling you how shocked they are
Yes I get it, I'm on time, what a surprise, do I get a medal?
7. You almost get kicked out of every carpool you join ever
At least the other members know their car horns work!
8. People automatically know who drove by how late you are
“We knew you drove because Hannah is never late!”
9. You always miss the pregame
By the time you show up your friends are on their third drink and walking out the door. Guess you’ll be the sober one tonight.
10. You’ve perfected the art of kissing ass
Your friends aren’t sure how you haven’t gotten a failed participation grade after the tenth time you were late to art history, but it’s only because your professor loves you.
11. You’ve never had an appetizer in your life
At least this gives you an excuse to order that much more food!
12. You speed-walk everywhere you go
You are so used to speed-walking to get somewhere faster that you naturally just speed-walk everywhere now.
13. You really really tried
You started getting ready three hours before you were supposed to be there and you were still the one running in last minute.