Pasta is very important to us pasta lovers.
Scratch that.
Pasta is a part of the essence of our being. Not only is this our absolute favorite food, but people often tease us for how often we are seen munching on this precious gift from heaven.
While our love for pasta cannot be put into words, we try anyway.
Here are 12 signs that our love with pasta is WAY more than that of the average human:
1. Like this inspirational man, you may or may not have eaten pasta every day this year.
2. You would give absolutely anything to eat a bowl of fresh, authentic, Italian spaghetti right now.
3. You could eat a whole helping of pasta by yourself, easily. Every single day. For the rest of your life.
4. Have you ever bathed in pasta before? No. Would you? Honestly probably.
5. You frequently daydream about your mom's spaghetti.
6. You genuinely question a person's soul when he or she tells you he or she doesn't like pasta.
7. There is simply no such thing as too much pasta.
8. At a restaurant, the first thing you look for on the menu is the pasta.
9. This precious montage of pasta has you salivating.
10. You don't know this man but you envy him.
11. Heck, if you're not eating pasta right now you're probably going to cook some up in a few minutes.
12. All in all, this quote pretty sums up your life.