We all know that one person who is LATE to EVERYTHING. By everything, I mean pretty much about any meeting or event you could ever invite he or she to. No matter the gathering, whether its something casual such as attending someone's birthday party or one that is somewhat important such as a team meeting, there is a guarantee that there is always that one lovely soul who, no matter what you can say to them, is going to be late. Are you that person? Could it be you that is in fact the one with a "problem" here? No need to fret! Here are 12 signs that you are perhaps that person who doesn't exhibit promptness often and well, you just cannot help it:
1. Having two alarms, three reminders, and four people texting you, yet you still didn't get the fact that the meeting starts at 3:00 (and it's 3:30)
This happens every time. If you try to cover up the fact that you were just simply late with an excuse such as saying that you "thought" the meeting happened to be 30 minutes to an hour later than what it actually is, it's time to let it go my friend. You were late, we all have our moments; you just happen to have them more than often.
2. Having a good one, or two, or even maybe three, friends who bombard you with YOUR responsibilities
People bombarding you with what you NEED to be doing and you respond saying,"I got this! I know what I am supposed to do. I am going to get ready and be there when I need to be!" Yet, your friends will still be there and not say anything until it's time to go and they remind you of something you forget. Oh, the irony.
3. People expect you to show up late
Wait. I thought that people expected you to do the opposite?
4. When you do show up on time for something, it's a moment of celebration for everyone (and of disbelief)
What goes on here is a lot of yelling from everyone, perhaps a dance or two, and sarcastic remarks because who knows when this is going to happen again!
5. An intervention for...
This is when it can and gets serious. It is a real, sit down about you, with your friends, parents, teammates, or whomever. The first step is always admitting the problem: "Hello, my name is ... and I have a problem with being on time for everything."
6. Others have had to suffer for your tardiness
All I have to say is that this sucks if you play a sport.
7. When everyone around you, including people you don't talk to much, are shocked at the fact that you can actually show up on time
You two have not held a conversation before, but the time you both do is when your tardiness is addressed. What a great way to make new friends, I guess.
8. Constantly forgetting what you need that makes you late
Even with a checklist, reminders, and others texting you, there is still one item you're missing and you have no time to look for it, but you make time to do so even when you know you really should not.
9. Stretching out those 5 minutes into... about 30 extra minutes
In your head you were just thinking about consuming 5 minutes, but in the end it leaves you frustrated, sweating with an increased heart rate, a messy room, messy hair, messy anything else. Oh, and also the fact that you are even more late than you were before in the first place!
10. Everyone is always waiting on you
An uncomfortable moment to never be forgotten. You walk in as if nothing is going on and as if you are on time. It's worse when you keep doing it over and over and over, because you feel the pressure of having your tardiness pointed out.
11. You may have gotten left on several occasions
Sad, but true.
12. When jokes about your tardiness are actually too unreal to be true
All the laughing aside, it's pretty bad if you think about it, how being late is not a good or funny quality to have. Nonetheless, it does make some pretty decent jokes.