In 1994, NBC produced a comedy TV series that would become popular for the next decade and be the favorite show of many. Throughout the series, there were many hilarious jokes and quotes that are still widely popular today. Here are 12 signs you were and still are a true "Friends" fan.
1. Anytime you hear the words "Oh My God," you automatically read it in Janice's voice.
2. Whenever you meet someone you like, you use the pick-up line: "How you doin'?"
3. You know that Brad Pitt was a amazing guest star and co-founded the "I Hate Rachel Club" with Ross.
4. Although it sounds terrible, you find enjoyment listening to Ross' "sound."
5. It may be a type of fish, but to you Unagi is self-awareness that you are born with.
6. Even after watching the series 20 times, you still get emotional when Rachel gets off the plane.
7. We all want to grow up to be successful like Rachel and Ross, but end up feeling like Chandler the majority of the time.
8. PIVOT. Enough said.
9. You've memorized the routine and perform with your sibling, or best friend, constantly.
10. Everyone has reached that stressful point in their lives where you sound like Ross when you say, "I'm fine." You might even deliver the same speech.
11. The magic number 7. You know what it means, just don't go around explaining it to children.
12. Sure, you know about Rudolph and the elves, but your favorite Santa's helper has to be the Holiday Armadillo, his part Jewish friend.
13. Admit it, you waited on line in NYC that month Central Perk actually existed. Sure, you spent hours on line, but you got to sit on the famous couch. WORTH IT!
14. You've wondered how they got the turkey to fit on their head, but also, how did they manage to get out of the turkey. Also, is it still safe to eat after being stuck on someone's head?
15. And finally, THEY WERE ON A BREAK. (Sorry Rachel fans but I'm on Ross' side for this one.)
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