If you're anything like me, you probably discovered that there is a lifestyle for you: sleeping, eating, Netflix and not doing any physical activity; in other words, you're lazy like me. To some, this may not sound like an ideal life, but that's where they are wrong.
Being lazy means sometimes you have to be creative. It forces you to be innovative to do the simplest and the easiest task. Okay, maybe I'm just trying to justify it here, but all in all, there is no reason to be ashamed of being lazy!
1. You drive to places when it is a 5 minutes walk.
I've done that on campus where I could walk to the library but I was too lazy to walk so I drove my car over there. No shame.
2. When you wake up and have to use the bathroom but go back to sleep instead.
I usually do this on the weekends because I'm tired and I love sleeping. Plus I'm also lazy to get up to use the bathroom so I just hold it.
3. You get home from work/party at 2 a.m. and instead of going to bed you lay on the couch playing with your phone for hours.
I'm that lazy where I just sit on the couch or the chair and just go through my social media and not change to go to bed.
4. You're good at half-assing your already procrastinated responsibilities.
Especially if the assignment is due at 11:59pm that night. You know how to B.S. an essay.
5. You wait until the very last minute to do anything.
I mean, as long as it is turn in by the deadline, that counts. Right?
6. Getting dressed in what you plan on wearing the next day before bed.
I mean, it saves me time to get dress plus I get to sleep in a little bit. That's perfect.
7. You sometimes have to defend how you have spent your day to others.
Yes, most of my days is sleeping and watching Netflix. I don't know when I had time to even do homework but I did it.
8. You don't understand people that don't love sleep as much as you do.
The weekends are meant to be sleeping in. Who wakes up before 11am? You are definitely crazy.
9. You occasionally get a little behind on your laundry.
It's hard to put your clothes in the washer AND the dryer AND folding them. It's such a hassle.
10. Your friends always tease you for never leaving your house.
What do you want me to do? I am saving myself from spending money and doing stuff that I might not want to do.
11. When your whole wardrobe consists of over-sized T-shirts, leggings/Nike shorts, and different colored baseball hats.
I mean, I am a basic white girl and it's the easiest thing to put on in the morning.
12. Your lifestyle brings you joy, no matter what other people say.
I am fine being the lazy person.
It's okay to be lazy. There's nothing wrong with it. Spend all day in bed! Just embrace your comfy lifestyle and laugh at those who haven't discovered how great it is. Kick back, relax, and don't move for a few hours--you'll feel relaxed and happier in no time.