Siblings can be one of the greatest blessings in life. You have a built-in best friend for all of those family vacations and someone to tell your deepest, darkest secrets to. They are the ones that know your family inside and out so you can give them a certain look at the dinner table and they know to switch the subject (or not, because sometimes it's funny to watch your sibling be embarrassed). But at the end of the day, they are your biggest fans. Here are 12 signs you grew up with all sisters.
1. When you tell someone you are from a family of all girls, they respond with "Your poor father."
It's not the first time you heard that, and it probably will not be the last. You might even have a tally running between your sisters to see who hears it the most.
2. Your clothes have a habit of going missing.
Your favorite shirt went missing? Check your sisters room... or just wait until they wear it to school and then scream down the hallway "Hey, that's MY shirt!" It will be sure to embarrass them (although it might not prevent them from stealing your clothes again).
3. If you're one of the younger ones, you often get called by the wrong name.
Teachers will often call you the wrong name and you learn to just roll with it, unless there is someone who is actually named Kaitlyn in your class- then it just gets plain old confusing.
4. Your parents get sick of hearing "She always gets her way."
So who actually is getting their way if we are all saying that we are not the ones getting our way? My parents think it's the "not me" ghost.
5. You always fought over who was the one to play the role of the dad in your game of house.
You don't have any brothers to play the part so you had to spend 15 minutes with "nose goes" until you figured out who would be the dad this time.
6. There's always the one sister that keeps you waiting when looking to leave the house.
Whether it's to use the bathroom when you were younger or having to finish putting on makeup when you're older, there is always the one "slow poke" sister.
7. You always have someone to try and put your chores on.
It's Saturday, but you just so happen to have 2 birthday parties and a huge school project to work on; thank goodness you have sisters to complete your chore list for you when you're away (although they might not be as happy as you are).
8. You have a teammate to convince Mom not to change traditions.
Mom wants to move where you've put the Christmas tree for 24 years? Well, at least you have sisters to outnumber her and keep the tree in the same spot. Great teamwork!
9. You have inside jokes that make absolutely no sense to anyone else in the world.
"Hey look, Walmart's open 24/7!" Still funny to us 15 years later... to others, maybe not so funny.
10. You had a seating arrangement everywhere- the car, the dinner table, the church pew, etc.
And if anyone sat where you were suppose to be, just be prepared for the fights. Mom and Dad might say that it is only a seat, but we all know that it's my seat.
11. Silence terrifies your parents.
In a house of all girls, silence means that something is going on and someone is getting in trouble. Mom and Dad just know the sound (or lack thereof) is not a good sign at all.
12. You have someone to share all the exciting things in life with.
Life can be so exciting and you will always have someone to share it with, because you know that if they find out from someone other than you, well.. you are dead meat. But at the end of the day, you love your sisters and wouldn't trade this lifestyle for anything.
Sisters can be annoying and embarrassing at times but the amount of times you spend loving them and being there for them make it all worth it. The fights are few and the laughs are many. You are blessed to have all sisters and you know it