Southern Maryland seems to be one of those forgotten places, in which only few of us are able to call it home. Those who are able to call it home are proud of it and lucky to be have lived in such a beautiful place.
1. Everyone who is not from Southern Maryland thinks you are from Ocean City or Baltimore.
According there is no "west side" of the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland does not go farther south than Baltimore. You constantly have to explain where you live... more than once.
2. The DMV is not the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The D[M]V is one of those known things between us Southern Marylanders since DC, Maryland and Virginia are the two best states and district in all of the United States.
Crabs. Crabs. Crabs. They are everywhere, but only the good kind. Summers are not the same if you do not have crabs at family gatherings/parties. They are the real stars of the show.
4. You say "Warsh" instead of "Wash."
Although the "R" is from DC, we somehow picked it up and we can tell when people are not from here because of them saying "Wash" correctly.
5. People do not understand how you have to go north to get to Virginia.
Yes, Maryland and Virginia are neighboring states and one is more southern than the other, but it is not that simple which creates long, exciting road trips.
6. Bridges EVERYWHERE.
You really cannot go anywhere in Southern Maryland without having to cross a bridge first. Although sometimes irritating, the views are pretty.
7. We are NEVER included in newscasts.
Southern Maryland is never on a map when the weather is being reported. It's like this part of Maryland does not exist or something.
8. You are constantly asked where Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert County are located.
Southern Maryland is never a sufficient answer because again, we are asked if we are from Baltimore or Ocean City.
9. Everything is at least an hour drive away.
Trips to the grocery store or any restaurant are never easy. Because bodies of water play a major role in Maryland, you have to go around them which then creates even more road trips (yay!).
10. You love Bay.
Oh, yes, the Chesapeake Bay (or the Patuxent River) is extremely important to Southern Maryland. Whether it is spending time at the beach relaxing, fishing or crabbing, it is a major part of your summer and you would not have it any other way.
11. You always know when the Tiki Bar opening is.
The middle of April in Calvert County is a hectic time. Cops are everywhere along with the drunks. Solomon's Island is just packed and is almost impossible to navigate because of all the people. Also, sleeping is difficult for those who live in Southern Calvert due to all of the bands who get gigs there for the weekend.
12. You live in one of the most beautiful parts of Maryland.
People may have no idea where you live, but you realize they are missing out and you enjoy your home a little more than you did before.