We've all seen those people that drive absolutely crazy, and we all know that everyone has done it once in their life. Driving can turn people into vicious little monsters. If you've caught yourself doing at least one of these twelve things, then you've definitely had road rage before.
Going at least 10 MPH over the speed limit no matter where you are is a must for you.
2. Yelling
Screaming at people when they’re going to slow, cutting you off, or not using their blinker.
3. Hand gestures
You always throw your hands up, but you would never flip someone off, right?
4. Honking
You use your horn almost all the time.
5. Starting and Leering
You make sure to give someone a good stare down once you pass them.
6. Tailgating
You love to ride someone’s butt if they are going to slow or pull out in front of you.
7. Brake-Checks
You brake-check those people tailgating you just because you know that if they hit you it is more than likely their fault.
8. Changing lanes
When you’re on the interstate or a four lane road, you never stay in the same lane for more than 2 minutes.
9. You stereotype drivers
As soon as you see the handicap license plate, you assume they’re going to drive as slow as a slug.
10. Your friends are terrified to ride with you
“Let’s not almost die this time.”
11. Traffic annoys you.
Being stuck in traffic makes you want to rip your hair out.