At this point in the semester and end of the year, whether you're in high school, college, or just school in general, you must be feeling either overwhelmed, stressed out, swamped with assignments, defeated, pressured to do well, and worried about everything school related. If you're feeling like any of these things I just listed, then this article will be very relatable to how you feel and think.
1. All you want to do is sleep.
Excessive studying for finals and doing homework have officially fried your brain, and all you want to do is just lay down and roll up into the fetal position.
2. You don't want to do anything period.
You've been so tired from all the schoolwork, that you don't even want to bother to take care of you room or yourself. *lays down in three-day old clothes*
3. You don't even know what you're saying in your work anymore.
You've done so many final essays, you start to not make sense in your work anymore. You start to miss verbs or adjectives in your writing, it just looks like gibberish.
4. You have had many emotional/mental breakdowns.
Do you ever just get so stressed out about everything that you must start crying? Yeah, you're having an emotional/mental breakdown. It's okay, just let it out it'll feel much better after you do.
5. The time goes by so fast, yet so slow.
While you're binge doing homework, you think you're being really productive, but what you didn't realize is that eight hours have already passed by and you have only written 10 words.
6. Group projects seem to be the death of you.
There's always that one kid that bails last minute and doesn't do their part of the project. If it was your final project, you might be having one of the biggest panic attacks in your life.
7. All you want to do is scream.
All you want to do is scream and shout all of your anger out, but you can't. Some people would be too scared they would look like an insane person, so you scream internally.
8. While you're studying, you realize that you don't remember any of the material.
While you're studying, you realize that you have never heard about any of the stuff being discussed in your books or notes. You panic.
9. You're getting real tired of you teachers and professors assigning you a huge load of work.
Either professors love grading things for fun, or they love torturing their students. Actually, maybe they enjoy doing both, and I'm getting really tired of this ish.
10. You realize that you have absolutely no more motivation left.
You have run out of all motivation that you used to have at the beginning of the semester, and you just want it to be over, but it's not yet.
11. You're scared that all your last minute efforts in getting a high grade in the class will be useless.
You spend the last moments of your semester trying to boost your grade up, but sometimes, in reality, your professor or teacher might not even accept it. And that is scary thinking about your efforts going to waste.
12. It's the end of the semester, and you also realize that you're almost done and out.
You're ready to peace out, enjoy the summer, and realize that you will be free soon enough.