There are two types of people in the world: morning people, and those who love to sleep. Trust me when I say that we love our sleep, but we love having a productive morning more. For as long as I can remember, I can remember. At every sleepover growing up, I was always the first person to fall asleep, and of course, the first to wake up. Now in college, I pick my classes the earlier the better, and of course breakfast is a must! You know what they say; the early bird gets the worm!
1. You always wake up before your alarm![]()
I'm with Ana with this one, once the sun starts to rise, my body is ready to get up, and start the day.
2. You celebrate when you sleep in past 9
It's rare, but when it does happen, it's a small victory. But...something is definately wrong if you sleep past 9:30.
3. Breakfast is your favorite part of the day
People ask you all the time why you get up so early, and while there are multiple reasons, the most important is that you love breakfast. Whether it's pancakes, scrambled eggs, or even bagels. You love it all.
4. You prefer morning classes
The earlier the better. I mean, if you're up, you might as well be productive with your life.
5. "What's the Snooze button"?
If we do wake up to an alarm, chances are we won't be needing that snooze button. Once we hear that alarm, we know it's time for us to get up and start our dance.
6. You are everyone else's alarm clock
People always count on you for making them on time. Countless times you are the one waking up your roomate in the morning, and to be honest you don't mind the task.
7. You hate the taste of coffee
You hate the taste, because you don't need it to wake yourself up in the morning.
8. You are most productive in the morning
*Roomate wakes up at noon*
"Good morning, I've already done the laundry, grocery shopping, and have dinner cooking in the oven."
9. You love having a plan
So, you're a planner. What's wrong with that?
10. You watched all of the Saturday cartoons
When you were younger, you always woke up early every Saturday morning to watch your favorite cartoons that would only play in the morning.
11. You get bored waiting for friends to wake up
You make plans to get brunch with your friends, great! But...the only downside is that they want to sleep in tomorrow. Which means, that you will be spending the majority of the morning trying to keep yourself occupied until they wake up.
12. You are the first to fall asleep
Once 10:00pm hits, it's time for you to get to bed. Your friends always make fun of you for being the one to fall asleep during movies, or being the first to go to bed.