1. "Will you go to the bathroom with me?" is your life motto: Spoiler alert, girls don't usually actually do anything in the bathroom whilst in packs, we just hate being by ourselves. Unless a boyfriend seriously messed up, because in that case we are absolutely talking crap about him.
2. You would rather starve than go to dinner by yourself: At the very least, getting your food to-go so you don't have to be seen sitting at a table by yourself has become an all-too familiar habit.
3. Truly, going anywhere by yourself is just a big no-no in your book: "I am so lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely."
4. If you are in public by yourself, you are most likely glued to your phone: This is your way of showing the world that you actually have friends or things to do with your life, when in reality you are most likely scrolling aimlessly.
5. Going to the bar alone is replaced with watching HGTV and Food Network while consuming an entire bottle of Barefoot Pink Moscato: "Wait, the Property Brothers are my friends right? No? At least Guy Fieri will always be there for me." Meanwhile, the $12 bottle of wine you got at CVS is quickly diminishing.
6. You blame your lack of a summer bod on your friends' unwillingness to go to the gym with you: Because if your friends can't go workout with you, there is always reverting back to wine night, but this time with a giant delivery pizza. Nonetheless, at home Zumba and Pilates videos are quickly becoming your only healthy resort.
7. You would rather wait three months for a movie to come out on DVD than go to a theatre solo: On demand is your best friend and you secretly admit that you have a better relationship with the RedBox than your actual movie buddy of choice. You most likely also have a subscription to both Hulu and Netflix, because you know, gotta shake things up sometimes.
8. People's independence bewilders you: When people tell you about going out by themselves, you are unbelievably impressed. But also reminded of how boring you think that would be.
9. You want to be independent: Being independent is a strong feature that everyone seems to commend, so you are absolutely jealous. You may even try to pretend you are independent when in reality, you know that's a total lie.
10. Waiting for people to respond to your texts to make plans is agony: You try to keep yourself entertained, but you are most likely checking your texts for the "..." every two minutes. And if by some awful turn for the worst it takes someone more than ten minutes to text back, you will start to wonder if something is wrong with your service (you have shut your phone off and turned it back on before, just in case, don't even try to lie about it.)
11. When you starting seeing someone you may latch on a little too quickly: Chances are you are quick to fall for someone and do not understand when they do not want to spend every waking minute of their day with fabulous-little-you.
12. In reality, you know you are gonna be okay by yourself even if it is just for a little while: Not being an independent person is not the end of the word, but working on becoming comfortable doing more on your own is never a bad thing. Maybe start out with going to a movie alone; at least it's dark so nobody can see your tears.