Walt Disney World is considered to be the most happiest place on Earth for so many. People dream they are in Disney every night when they go to sleep. Disney can be addicting because of all the movies, music and different characters. Many cannot live without going to Disney World because it is their drug and they have to have it. There are signs seen as a person becomes a Disney Addict and here are the ones I tend to see.
1. You get sad when a Disney commercial comes on because you aren’t there.
Even though you may have been there just last month.
2. Telling your friends and family you are taking another trip to Disney and they say “Again?”
What do you mean ‘Again?’ We haven’t gone in a year. It’s time to go back.
3. When you are at Disney, you already start to plan your dining and activities for the next trip you haven’t even booked yet but will.
4. Your Mickey Ears have been packed since the day you booked your trip to Disney.
5. You listen to Disney music constantly months before your trip.
You cannot wait to sing "Hakuna Matata" and really mean no worries once you finally get there.
6. Collecting every Disney shirt you can find and plan your outfits accordingly for each day of the trip.
7. Most of the things you own are either Disney or had come from Disney World.
8. Whenever anyone asks where you would want to be right now, the answer is always automatically Disney World.
Is there any other place?
9. You have been to Disney so many times you don’t even need the map.
You give other people directions as if you worked there.
10. When people need advice for their first time, you can go on and on about the food, attractions and shows. You know once they go to Disney, they’ll be hooked for life.
11. Every day you wish you had a Mickey Bar to snack on.
12. Disney Springs will forever be known as Downtown Disney and that is what you will always call it.
World of Disney is paradise for any Disney World addict shopper.