I found my home away from home with Delta Phi Epsilon and I could not be happier. I have found forever friends and sisters in girls that were once strangers to me. I have found my comfort zone and my people.
We share our deepest secrets and our strongest insecurities. I hold DPhiE close to me because I share these things with my sisters as they share them with me. I have bridesmaids for my eventual wedding. I have rides to
There are few things that make DPhiE what it is and a few things that only D
1. Unicorns.
Our awesome mascot.
2. Justice, Sisterhood, Love.
Values we hold dear.
3. Royal purple and pure gold.
Our lovely colors that are held so very dear to our hearts.
4. Philanthropy.
ANAD (Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders), Delta Phi Epsilon Education Foundation, and the Cystic Fibrosis foundation
Our amazing founders.
6. The lovely purple iris
Our lovely flower.
7. Star Sisters
Our own personal built-in study buddy.
8. Pearls (physical and hypothetical)
Making ourselves better, and our beloved jewel.
9. The five S's
Scholarship, Sisterhood, Self, Service, and Social.
10. Esse Quam Videri
Our motto translated to mean "To be rather than to seem to be"
11. Family.
You find your family. Not your blood, just your sisters. Your big, your little, your twin, etc. they're all amazing and you don't know what you would do without them.
My sisterhood means the world to me. We are so unique and different in our own way. We are accepted. My sisters have opened more doors than I could ever imagine. They love me for who I am, and who I want to be. They are my support and my confidence. I love them and accept them for who they are and who they want to be. They encourage me to be better. I can always improve who I am.
I may not always stand strong, but with my sisters beside me, I will never have to stand alone. We are not a second rate sorority. We are honest, true, and loyal members of Delta Phi Epsilon.