Sisters, oh sisters. It's one thing to have a sister who is a few years younger or older, but another when you are about a year apart. My sister and I are 18 months apart in age. When you have a sister that close to you in age, a few different situations occur.
1. You share everything.
Clothes, friends, shoes and activities. You share everything you can imagine, even if you don't approve of the sharing. Sometimes sneaking into the other's closet is the only option.
2. Everyone thinks you are twins.
"Are you twins?"
"Are you sure?"
Well, unless our mom is lying about our ages and our birthdays--yes, we are sure. When you face swap on Snapchat, you can barely tell the difference.
3. You have all of the same friends.
When you are one grade apart at the same school, you tend to make the same friends. When you participate in the same after school activities, you become friends with the same people. All of those people come together at your house to hang out with both of you. If your sister and a friend hang out without your knowledge, you are a little offended.
4. You answer to your name and your sister's name.
You are so accustom to people calling you by the wrong name, so you start answering to both. After awhile, you stop correcting people and just respond. Both heads turn when one of your names is said when you are both in the same room.
5. There were times where you both liked the same boy.
You went to school with all of the same people, so liking the same boy was inevitable to happen at least once. Somehow it gets resolved. Sisters before misters, right?
6. You finish each other's sentences.
Listening to the two of you tell a story is hilarious. You feed off of each other and finish each other's sentences. When someone talks to both of you, you often respond exactly the same way at the exact same time.
7. You had classes together in high school.
This is the best. You do homework together and help each other survive the class. When your sister answers a question right, a high five is always a must. You always had a personal cheerleader in class. Your peers get frustrated during group work because they can't understand your sister language. No one understands you better than a sister.
8. Despite being frustrated with people when they think you are twins, you dress like twins anyway to confuse people.
By the time you were in high school, you were about the same height. When you dressed alike, people were more confused than normal. It was always a fun guessing game.
9. You went through the teenage years together.
Braces, pimples, boyfriends. You went through those messy years together. You casually asked each other to pop your pimples on a regular basis.
10. Everyone thinks your boyfriend is your sister's boyfriend and vice versa.
It can be a little awkward, but people cannot remember which sister is dating which boy. People ask your boyfriend which sister they are dating and why they aren't dating the other. Awkward, I know.
11. You argue about the most ridiculous matters.
When you are this close in age and you do everything together, arguments are bound to happen. Arguments happen over simple situations such as leaving a door open or placing your makeup in the wrong part in the bathroom.
12. You always had a best friend.
You can always count on each other for a laugh or a heart to heart. No matter what, you always have each others back. You are an indestructible sister duo.Thank your mother for having you so close together because she gave you a best friend for life.