So, you're an artist who's not an art major.
You've probably spent the first 18 years of your life in AP art classes, painting after school, watching Bob Ross videos and spending hours in AC Moore. Then college came. "Don't be an art major," they told you, "There's no money in that." So you listened. And here you are, knee-deep in an advanced physics class — loving it — but missing that piece of you that used to be a doodler. Here's how we know.
1. The margins in your class notes are decorated on every page.
Every semester, it starts. You tell yourself — no more doodling. I refuse to dirty my beautiful new notebook margins with drawings of planets, nature and that dog you saw in the park last week. And you do pretty good at that, until halfway through the semester, slowly your hand just seems to start doing the doodling for you. It's an instinct. Right?
2. You turn over every paper to see if it's blank on the other side.
If it's blank, it's getting a drawing. Well probably if it's not blank too. We're talking paper menus, tests, gum wrappers, syllabuses — the world is your canvas, friend.
3. You take awesome pictures of other people, but there are no awesome photos of you.
You are responsible for at least five people's profile pictures at any given moment. You're basically an iPhone-ographer. Yet when you want that same nicely framed perfectly positioned picture of yourself, your friends just don't get the job done. You appreciate their efforts anyway, of course.
4. Your Instagram pictures complement each other perfectly.
When someone clicks on your Instagram, they see that lovely gallery of your photos. And yours? They all look great together. The colors, the filters, the borders — and it's all conscious too.
5. You constantly get compliments on your signature.
Swoops. Lines. Crosses. It's an art form in itself.
6. You make your PowerPoints as artsy as possible, even when it's about finances or medieval history.
You could probably teach a class called "How To Have The Coolest PowerPoint In Accounting." It's essentially a fine art at this point.
7. People always ask you to do the writing in group projects.
Why yes, thank you my handwriting is absolutely fabulous.
8. You're a Snapchat pro.
That five colors in one Snapchat trophy? Yeah, you got it. We know.
9. For most birthday/Christmas presents, you give artwork — homemade artwork.
Original paintings, framed sketches, a frame collage, a locket with a little sketch. There's something super nice about giving people a homemade gift!
10. Bob Ross is your hero.
Well, we guess art majors can feel this way too. And computer science majors. And business majors. Basically, Bob Ross is awesome and should be everyone's hero.
11. You have to pull a fake smile every time someone shows you a super poorly edited photo they created.
"Aw, it looks great! Of course i love the filter!"
They're your friends and your family, you just have to smile and nod when they show you that photo of the nephews with the saturation at 200 percent and the HDR maxed out.
12. You may not be studying art, but it will always be a huge part of your life.
And that's awesome. Never lose that part of you.
Art sometimes gets a bad wrap — but it's everywhere. It's in the icons on our computer screens, the logos on our televisions, the clothes on our backs and the architecture our streets. Art is important, and art is amazing. Love the artist in you.