Rule 1: Don't leave your drink unattended, don’t accept a drink you didn’t pour, and don’t be one of those a**holes that barfs on everyone’s stuff and ends up in the hospital.
Rule 2:Ladies, BE CAUTIOUS if a frat guy asks you if you want a tour of the house. Sometimes they are wanting to show you more than just the women's bathroom ...
Rule 3:Bring hand sanitizer and toilet paper. The bathrooms are covered in gross sh**, and you don’t want to be unprepared.
Rule 4: Don’t give out your number to random people. Waking up the next morning to a sh** ton of text messages from people you don’t remember is not fun.
Rule 5:Always be fashionably late. It’s awkward if you show up right at the start of the party and it's only you and the guys. Plan on arriving about an hour late, and at most, stay for 2 hours.
Rule 6: Don’t make out with multiple bros in one night. It's super awkward when you accidentally make eye contact with them the next time you're there. It's best to just avoid the entire situation.
Rule 7:Be careful when walking down the stairs. As the night goes on, sh** gets spilled, making them a death trap.
Rule 8:Don’t wear high heels. Unless you're planning on partying with Blair Waldorf, you will look like you're trying too hard. And by the end of the night no one is going to remember anyway. TIP: Do not walk barefoot, ANYWHERE. You don’t know the sh** that has been on the floor.
Rule 9:Wear clothes you are comfortable and confident in.
Rule 10:Mix and mingle! This is your chance to meet new people, and maybe even a new fling.
Rule 11: Leave the jackets at home! Unless you want it to be the last time you see your beloved North Face, I suggest it stay safely tucked away in your closet.
Rule 12: Always use the buddy system, and make sure you are with people that won't ditch you.