As I approach my 21st birthday, I honestly can't believe I am almost that old. My age makes people do a double take. They are like "I thought you were 12, 15, or 19." And I just stare at them like, "Well I can drive so I am at least over 16..." I silently remind myself not to be rude but to be thankful that when I am older I will love the guessing of my age. But right now I just want to look my age or at least college age.
As you start your 21st year of your life, I want you to know some things I have realized over the last 6 or so years. These are things to look back on from time to time because sometimes we all need reminders that it is not a bad life just a bad day. Everyday is a chance to learn something new or remember what we have already learned.
1. Be thankful for youthfulness.
I get asked my age more than I would like to admit, but it happens. This is something I am told I will love when I am 80 and looking 72, yet I find myself hating it. I am 20 almost 21 and people think I am between the ages of 12 and 19. I will love it one day, just not today.
2. A bad grade is not the end of the world.
Don't hate yourself over low grades, it is not a terrible thing. It proves you are only human and that is okay. Do the best you can. Don't stress over grades. Just learn new things.
3. This paper will get finished, so don't give up.
Those nights when you are staring at the blank screen of your word document, don't lose hope. You will conquer Writer’s Block or just the lack of inspiration. You can do it!
4. One day a guy will sweep you off your feet, be patient.
All I can say is be content with being single and you will appreciate that love interest a lot more when you least expect it. Love with all your heart!
5. Remember God has a plan and He has your best interest at heart.
He loves you so much and only wants what's best for you. Hold your head up to Heaven and always give him the glory.
6. Best friends are hard to come by, be thankful for the ones that love you no matter what.
Good friends aren't easy to make, true friends are even harder to find and hold on to. When you find them, it is the best feeling in the world.
7. Love your family even when it feels impossible.
I know they can get annoying but they love you. And admit it, you love them, too. Y'all are better together. Always hug and say I love you!
8. Never stop practicing your passion in life.
Don't give up what you love! Keep getting better at it. Keep learning more and more about it!
9. You are beautiful just the way you are.
Don't let anyone make you feel less than beautiful!
10. Music helps stress and moodiness.
Jam out and dance like Taylor Swift!
11. Always say "I love you" because it is the best medicine to feel better, next to a hug.
Don't you ever forget this! Two most meaningful things are those 'I love you's' and tight hugs everyday.
12. Always be yourself , let the haters' words just roll off your back.
"Haters gonna hate hate hate and faker gonna fake fake fake and I'm just gonna shake shake. Shake it out, shake it off!" - Taylor Swift understands it!
I hope you remember where you've been, but remember to keep looking towards the future. Go be your crazy beautiful self!
"Never forget where you came from, but never let that hold you back from where you want to go." - Unknown