As every decade, the early 2000's had its own fads and trends. Here are just a few of the many things that people who grew up during the 2000's would remember.
1. Polly Pockets
Like a lot of other young girls during this time period, I was obsessed with Polly Pockets when I was in elementary school. There was a whole section of my room basically devoted to these toys where you could barely walk, or else you would step on some of the pieces. I would spend hours and hours either by myself or with friends playing with them.
2. Blockbuster
Yes, being able to access movies from Netflix in your living room is nice, but it is not the same as walking through the isles of Blockbuster and looking at all of the different kinds of the movies that you could rent. Sadly, kids these days will never be able to experience those trips to Blockbuster.
3. Lisa Frank products
Almost every elementary school girl had some kind of Lisa Frank product with her during the school day. It could be folders, binders, notebooks, bags, backpacks, clothing, markers, posters; you name it and it probably existed.
4. Bratz dolls
I never owned any of these dolls but some of my friends did and we would spend hours playing with them, and even making them have their own background stories!
5. Easy Bake Oven
This product actually worked pretty well. I was able to make a lot of different small cakes with it and they actually tasted pretty good.
6. Nintendo 64
My neighbor owned one of these, and I remember spending hours playing Donkey Kong, Super Smash Bros and Mario Cart. I always remembered the Donkey Kong theme song, and was happy when it made an appearance in a later Super Smash Bros game.
7. Pinball and Minesweeper
These were games that you played on the computer when you did not have functional internet.
8. Pretty Pretty Princess
I remember playing this one at friends' houses growing up.
9. Password journal
This journal worked great! Well, until your younger brother somehow got your friend's journal to open even though it was only supposed to open to her voice.
10. Neopets
And this is how my internet addiction began. I spent hours upon hours playing the different mini games, exploring the different worlds, buying things for my pets and decorating my pets' houses.
11. Webkinz
Yet another source of my internet addiction. I think I owned 13...maybe 14 of these stuffed animals that were also virtual pets. I spent so much time on this website.
12. Dogz and Catz
When your parents would not let you have a real dog, this is what you got instead. This game was amazing.