I know my dogs are my best friends, but here are 12 reasons why they are...
1. He Loves You
No matter what happens, your dog will always love you. No matter if you freak out on him and he becomes scared of you for a moment, he will wind up wanting your cuddles for comfort just as much as you want his cuddles for your own comfort. He will love you til the day he dies and will always be happy to see you.
2. He's There For You
Whenever you need a best friend, your dog is there for you. It doesn't matter what time of day or night it is, he will sit by your side and comfort you. Every dog is different in their ways of comforting, but they all have the instinct to tell when you are sad or sick and he will stand by your side until you are happy and even after that.
3. He Does Everything With You
He will follow you literally anywhere. He does whatever you want him to do (usually). And even when he doesn't, he would be more than happy to go everywhere with you, he'd actually probably rather that.
4. He Sleeps With You
Not all dogs are allowed to sleep in our beds, however most dogs do, or at least the ones that I know do. They will snuggle right up next to you and keep you warm while you sleep, even use you as a pillow or a bed sometimes. While it's not always the most comfortable thing, he is showing his love for you.
5. He Protects You
Your dog protects you with his life. He typically would do anything to make sure you are safe. He alerts you to possible dangers that are around you, as well as the not so much dangers. But he wants you to know that someone or something is there. It's not the ordinary and he doesn't know the person. This is just another way that he shows his love for you. I never feel as safe as I do when I am with the dogs that would protect me with their lives, it is a great reminder that they won't let anything happen to you so long as they can help it.
6. He Doesn't Judge
No matter who you are or what you do, if your dog loves you, he loves you. He won't judge you for the things you do or the choices you make in life. He likes you just the way you are and for what you are, as well as for what you're not. You never have to question what your dog is thinking of you, because ultimately he doesn't care about anything other than if you love him and are going to feed him dinner or not.
7. He Loves To Play With You
One of the things you are best for to your dog, is playing with him. He loves it when you give him the attention to play with him. And while sometimes it feels like a chore to play with him, some of the time you find yourself having a good time as well. Sometimes dogs just have that effect on people.
8. He Knows When You Don't Feel Good
I don't know about anyone else, but when I don't feel good, it's snuggles galore. They know when something is wrong, they know when you aren't feeling well and typically if that means you're going to sleep or lay in bed all day, they will lay there with you comforting you. Just as much as you want to get better, they want you to get better.
9. He's Loyal
He will not betray you, sometimes not even for food. He loves you just as much as you love him, maybe more and he would do anything he could to stay by your side.
10. He's Always Happy To See You
How many times do you come home and his tail is wagging and he's super excited to see you? I've never come home to anything different, sometimes he doesn't hear me come in but as soon as he realizes I'm home he's throwing a party. It's nice to come home feeling missed, wanted and loved. It never fails to make my day when I get a tail wagging greeting from my fur babies.
11. He 'Cleans' Up Your Messes
We all know this is true, at least for any dog I've had it's true. If you drop food on the floor, he will eat it for you so you don't have to pick it up. He would even lick your plate clean for you if you let him, and while I never do, I know people who do.
12. He Will Go Anywhere With You
Your dog will willingly follow you anywhere. I love randomly being able to take my dogs with me. Even if they can't go inside where I'm going as long as the weather permits it, I will gladly take my dog with me. They just want to be with you and that's one of the greatest feelings in the world to me. To know that I have dogs that would follow me anywhere as long as I kept loving them.