Growing up with two younger brothers was not always easy. They're boys first off-- so, like, ew. They always have to be in my business, mess with my stuff, and come in my room without knocking. So, of course, there are downfalls to younger siblings. Don't even get me started on all of the attention that I lost, at three years old, when mom told me I was gonna get a little brother-- and it only dwindled from there when, years later, we got another one. After a while, though, you look past all of that. Because, let's face it, they're never going to learn. Even if they do, they'll still continue to annoy me in some form or fashion. However, having little brothers has been an experience of a lifetime, and looking back now, as I'm about to go off to college, and our worlds will be transformed-- I know they're one of the most amazing blessings in the world. Honestly, I could write a book about the encounters and experiences with my brothers, but that would only be funny to people who know my little devil babies.
1. Your siblings teach you serious patience.
Younger siblings, especially brothers, are a handful. They bicker among each other all of the time, and sometimes it gets violent. I have had to learn how to deal with that without losing my cool. So, if you ever feel like you want to yell, and completely ignore me, I will totally not kill you. I had brothers, and we all survived somehow.
2. They're always getting you to laugh about something.
I don't know how my youngest brother always has something to say, but he does. Like the time my youngest brother requested ravioli, and then told me that I could have the noodles because he only wanted to drink the juice.
3. Your own personal cheer team.
Literally anything that I am doing in life-- if I need a pick me up-- all I have to do is say something about it, and I'll probably get a sarcastic remark and then something that reveals a compliment. That's how siblings are though, and anything that I do my brothers are there to support me. Just like I support them.
4. It's fun to watch them grow up, and kinda sad.
I am still not convinced that one of my little brothers is old enough to drive now. Because, just yesterday he was nine. I just about cried when I was told that he passed his test. I'm totally not ready for them to grow up, and I sorta understand now why moms get sad about graduation. Then there's my other brother, who has been freaking out about lockers next year, and I seriously don't understand where the time goes. He shouldn't be this old. They should still look like they do in the picture, and not be concerned about cars, girls, or lockers.
5. Little protectors.
Even if they're younger than you, they protect you like they're 7 foot tall. My youngest brother seems to think he has the strength of nine giants, and will buff up to any boy I bring home. He doesn't care if they're a friend or a potential boyfriend. He just knows that I am his sister, and he isn't having any funny business.
6. You always have a best friend.
Okay, so my best friends are my mom, Holly, and my 9 year old brother. Little brothers are good judges of character. I have had friends come to the house, and one of my brothers call a bad friendship before it goes bad. Still not sure how they do that, but they're good at it. I had a rule when I was little, and basically-- if the brothers can't hang then you can't either. It still applies, but people are a little more mature about it now. I can't think of life without my little friend. He makes car rides, grocery shopping, and anything we do super fun.
7. They know you.
I can't tell you how many times, I have come home and my brothers know there's something wrong. I don't have to say a word. They just see my face, and they go into little hero mode. If I am crying, my youngest brother will do whatever it takes to make me laugh or smile. I remember one time I was upset, one of my brothers offered to beat up whoever it was. I mean, he was like three foot tall, but it's the thought that counts. One of my brothers will hug me, and refuse to let go until I am either laughing or hugging him back.
8.They're always there to help.
Maybe they don't want to, but it's nice to have younger siblings. They are there if you need help bringing in groceries, if you leave something in your car, or just want someone to help you pick a movie. Siblings are something to be reckoned with. Once, my brother told me he would bring me a brownie, and all I had to do was put a picture of us as my lock screen. It was a nice trade.
9. Babysitting experience.
Maybe this one was not a desirable thing when you were 15, and mom and dad wanted a date night, and you wanted to go to the movies, but it paid off. Because now you have years experience, and you never even had to leave the house.
10. Secret keepers.
I can't talk to much on this. If I gave real life examples, I might possibly incriminate myself or my brothers. (Don't worry mom, the secrets are not bad.) I will say that if one of us are having problems at school or maybe with a girl/boy we can have a serious conversation about it. It's easier to talk to a sibling sometimes, than it is a friend.
11. They keep you in check.
I am like the epitome of older sisters. I'm always in my 15 year old brothers business, but it's only because I care. He can play like it's one sided, but I know he's knee deep in my stuff too. If I am doing something stupid, I don't know what to do, or he just knows, I can ask him, and he gives me advice.
12. They truly look up to you.
If they're the youngest, they might be the favorite, but that's just because they're the best part of all of the siblings. I mean, they watched you as they grew up. Sure you always had a shadow that you had to be aware of, but in that it made you want to be a better person, while giving them someone to look up to.
Siblings are something else. They make you scream, laugh, and cry. Most of all though, they just steal your heart everyday, in some form or fashion.