It can be a stressful process trying to find someone to date. There are so many different opinions, hobbies, beliefs and personalities in the world. It's hard to choose. One thing is for sure though, nobody makes a better girlfriend than a girl who loves Disney.
1. Buying us presents is a no brainer.
2. We are full of profound advice.
Disney movies are more than just pretty princesses and evil step-mothers. They've taught us that it's always better to learn from your past than run from it, the most important thing is to be yourself no matter what other people think and that your fate lives within you, you just need to be brave enough to see it. And we would be happy to share that advice with you.
3. We know how to make you feel all the emotions.
It's important to stay in touch with your feelings and we can always help you do that. We've probably cried more times over a single Disney movie than you have over anything in your entire life.
4. We know all the secrets to the perfect Disneyland trip.
5. We are kind to all animals.
6. Giving us compliments might be the easiest thing ever.
"Babe, your hair looks better than Ariel's." "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Oh yeah, my girlfriend, that's who." "You look more beautiful than Cinderella at the ball!" Any of those will do, really.
7. We are strong.
8. Your life could turn into a musical at any moment.
9. You'll never meet anyone more romantic than us.
No couple is more romantic than a Disney movie couple, and we've been taking notes.
10. We have high standards.
We aren't just looking for any guy, we are looking for Prince Charming. If we choose to date you it's kind of a big deal, we won't just settle for anyone.
11. We believe in happy endings.
Slaying a dragon for the one you love might not be realistic and true love's kiss might not actually break a curse, but Happily Ever After can come true.
12. We see the magic in everything.
There are so many horrible things in this world and it's easy to be negative. If there is one thing Walt Disney taught us it's that there is always magic in the world. All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust.