The idea of having to share a small room with a stranger was the most unappealing thing about going to college. I had this constant fear that the person I ended up living with would be someone I didn't get along with and would have no respect for my personal space. Thankfully, I had nothing to worry about. When I stepped into my dorm room on move-in day, I knew I had found myself a lifelong friend. We can always turn to one another, and spending everyday together doesn’t seem to be too hard. We have already made unforgettable memories together and I am lucky enough to say I have found the Monica to my Rachel.
1. She’ll stuff her face with you with no judgment.
When you utter late at night, “I’m starving,” she will immediately offer to split a whole pizza with you. Although this is one of the best things about her, she can also be a really bad influence on the healthy diet you’ve been trying to start for months.
2. She’ll be your dance partner on a night out.
rarely dance out of the fear of looking like a complete fool, but she always
seems to grab your hand and pull you onto the dance floor. Whether you’re at a
party or a bar, you constantly find yourself showing off your best moves.
3. She’ll put up with your morning mood.
Let’s face it: the morning is the worst part of each day. Getting out of bed is something that you dread every night when you hop in. When it finally rolls around, your attitude clearly demonstrates your feelings about starting the day. You are completely drained that when she tries to break the silence, you find yourself basically yelling at her. Yet, she always ends up sweetly smiling at you.
4. Your fights are completely pointless.
I don’t even know if “fights” is the right word. They usually include pushing each other into walls, tackling one another to the ground, or arguing over whether the lights should be on or off. The playful battles make you both screech so loud that everyone on your floor becomes concerned if you’re actually killing each other.
5. As much as you mess with her, she still loves you.
Messing with your roommate is one of the best pastimes. Whether you’re hurling food at her from across the room, scaring the living daylights out of her when she gets out of the shower, or making fun of her for something she said, you know that she can't stay mad at you. Even when she’s just about done with you, she knows she has to put up with it because, well, you live together.
6. She’s a way better cook than you’ll ever be.
You consistently attempt to make her a delicious meal but something always seems to go wrong. It’s best that you just leave the cooking to her and let her be the one to whip up your biggest cravings.
7. She’ll go along with any crazy ideas you have.
These antics occur at any time of the day and you can repeatedly rely on her to make dumb decisions with you. From trekking through a blizzard to get a bottle of wine or trying on wedding dresses for no reason, she is the first person you go to when you need a partner in crime.
8. She’ll make you laugh harder than anyone.
Most of the time you find yourself trying to catch your breath when you’re around her. She isn’t really that great at telling jokes, but her stupidity and witty comments usually leave you gasping for air. Even when you’re upset and aren’t in the mood, you always seem to notice an unexpected smile across your face.
9. She’ll take care of you in your time of need.
Whether you have a sore throat or are feeling the backlash of last night’s bad decisions, she is like your second mom. Since you have both been in these awful situations, she knows exactly how to treat you. You know you’re extremely lucky to have someone who will bring you chicken noodle soup or hold your hair back in a public bathroom.
10. She’s always there when you need a hug.
Happy, sad, stressed, or excited, she is there with open arms, ready to squeeze you so tight you can’t breathe. Although there are times when you don’t want to be touched, her hugs are undeniable and will make you feel completely comforted.
11. You’re pretty sure she'll be one of your bridesmaids.
There is a good chance you don’t have a steady guy in your life at the moment. However, there is also a solid chance that if you were to pick your future bridesmaids right now, she would definitely make the list. Clearly, you do have other girl friends that you may have known longer and will obviously be there on your big day, but spending just about every day together easily makes her one of the top contenders.
12. You knew that as soon as you met, this friendship would be forever.
This is
it, she’s stuck with you. No matter where you go or what you do in the future,
you know that she will always be someone you can go to when you need a place to
stay or some good advice. Surely there are times when you get completely sick
of each other, but at this point, there is no escaping it.